Joyce Meyer joins Matt and Laurie Crouch on TBN's Praise to discuss fear of the unknown. There seems no special reference to the last exhortation, but as that demands a special act of vigilance and self-control, so the activity of the devil demands vigilance and self-control on all occasions, and especially on those on which the devil is most apt to try to get a foothold. 1. Learn how your comment data is processed. He is our father, we are His children, He knows all things (1 John 3:20; Psalms 139:1-6, 147:4-6; John 2:24-25; Hebrews 4:11-13) and sees all. Don't let me refuse it. What does the bible say about losing your joy, Dont let the devil steal your joy sermon, Don't let anyone steal your joy bible verse, Don't let the devil steal your joy bible verse, don't let the devil steal your joy sermon, what does the bible say about losing your joy, 30 Best Bible Verses About Empathy For Others, 40 Best Bible Verses For Unplanned Pregnancy. Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. We have been so busy and we try to date often. } He will make you jobless, steal your joy, try to shame you . var e=document.createElement('script');e.setAttribute('type','text/javascript');e.setAttribute('charset','UTF-8');e.setAttribute('src',''+Math.random()*99999999);document.body.appendChild(e); Inevery thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. He especially likes to use the "little things" to steal our joy, such as: your car won't start, your hair isn't looking right, a husband and wife start fussing. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you." (Romans 16:20) "Be alert and of sober mind. Don't let the sun go down upon your wrath, The Bible says we are to get angry about things, Learning from the parable of the sower and the seed, Jesus spoke the parable of the sower and the seed, Don't hate anyone who God loves and don't love anything that, Many sermons have been preached on who to love, who, Don't judge by appearance, countenance, height, or stature,, When Samuel was sent to anoint a new king to, Jesus Christ offers The abundant life but the Devil offers, The whole armor of God to stand against the devil, A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in. It will be a kindness! Don't surround yourself with "negative" people. This falls upon us as parents. It was a simple way for us to spend some quality time together. Isaiah 50:6 I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not my face from shame and spitting. In our culture today, there is an incredible rise of Satanism and demon-ism. 1. These evil conquerors asked for a show. As hard as it can seem sometimes, your emotions are in your control. My passion is to win the lost for Christ and God's divine call on my life is to help you fulfill the purpose of God for your life and become a world changer. Those are things Satan, the deceiver, joy-stealer-extraordinaire delights in snatching right out from under us. I frequently quote this verse from the Bible, but it applies to the whole book. The best way to keep our joy despite the circumstances is to keep our eyes fixed on God. Know that it is you who is going to decide things, and thus, you must be doing it at your own pace of life. Find her also on Twitterand at her Don't pick them back up, but allow the Lord to deal with the burden. You can find my November Inspire a Fire post here. Could it be that satan has stolen your joy? Please sign up to receive posts every Tuesday and Thursday. Have you lost your joy because of a lack of forgiveness? 19:14 Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for such is the kingdom of God., Therefore, dont let the enemy of your soul steal your promise and destiny, kill your dreams and visions, and finally destroy your purpose! World events. Sunday Sermon: 'Don't Let Life Steal Your Joy'. Please enable JavaScript if you would like to comment on this blog. He only comes for the Words sake. You know, some days it really hurts to see someone or something steal your joy. If we do the same thing the same way too long, it becomes old and stale, and it means nothing. For the Days You Feel Defeated: Hope from Gideons Story, 10 Reasons God Might Not Be Blessing Your Life, Inspiring Mother Breaks Down after Earning Golden Buzzer with Celine Dion Hit, 7 Things that Will Keep Me from Coming Back to Your Church, 6 Truths about Jesus Coming into the World, 9 Christians You Don't Want to Sit Beside on Sunday Morning, 10 Things You Should Know about the Intermediate State of Death, 'You Raise Me Up' Duet Earns A Standing Ovation From The Judges, 7 Things I Would Do Differently if I Were Raising My Children Again. Why do we need to forgive people? Can two walk together, except they be agreed? Some brought forth thirty times, some sixty times, and some one hundred times as much. He said, Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear. (Mark 4:1-9), When a great multitude came together, and people from every city were coming to him, he spoke by a parable. This morning, I was reading Psalm 137, written by someone who had the wind knocked out of them. Ive experienced this feeling a lot in my life, particularly when I was younger. There is only one way to enjoy true peaceJesusthe Prince of Peace. Hemingr then went to the spot fixed for him by the king, and signed himself with the cross, saying, 'God be my witness that I had rather die myself than . Joy is restored to your life when you learn to forgive and forget, and these two virtues go together. Opens the way for others to come to salvation and faith in Jesus Christ. One of the most dynamic ways to keep our joy is to allow the Holy Spirit to lead us in the way we should go. Destroying. Join her each morning on Fresh Day Ahead's Facebookpage, for daily encouragement in living strong, free. To start saving items to a SermonFolder, please create an account. Others fell on the rocky ground, where it had little soil, and immediately it sprang up, because it had no depth of soil. Sometimes, it's better not to engage at all, especially on the internet. He was out in the field, tending sheep, minding his business. 55:12. He personally will come and pick you up, and set you firmly in place, and make you stronger than ever. Others fell on rocky ground, where they didnt have much soil, and immediately they sprang up, because they had no depth of earth. God says you can. Great multitudes gathered to him, so that he entered into a boat, and sat, and all the multitude stood on the beach. And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you. Don't ever let him steal your joy. He was Sauls replacement. He gives us the power to live strong. Ive got the peace that passeth understanding, To save items to a SermonFolder, please sign in to your account. When anyone hears the word of the Kingdom, and doesnt understand it, the evil one comes, and snatches away that which has been sown in his heart. Every time I read the newspaper or listen to the news and feel my joy slipping away, I have to consciously remind myself God is still on his throne. Thats his nature, he is a thief and he was a thief and a murderer from the beginning and when you have the nature of a thief you cant stop stealing. 15:4 concerning disrespect or dishonor. Down in my heart. Falling Away from Faith Satan . But he can steal our joy. The fascinating thing to me is that David wrote this song while on the run, trying to preserve his life as jealous King Saul sought to kill him. SERIES 3 OF 29: . Podcast: Painful process, amazing outcome, Podcast: You will see great things happen . . The devil in the scripture above is described as a thief whose ungodly agenda is to steal. He attacks our joy through family conflict. We are all vulnerable when someone steals our happiness for their own. C. That the Joy of the Lord is your strength - Nehemiah 8:10, Bonus Insight: Joy and Healing go together, III. Dont let anyone stop you from enjoying the good stuff in life. Satan really cannot stand for us to enjoy the life our Creator God provides for us to the fullest. Debbie McDaniel is a writer, pastor's wife, mom to three amazing kids (and a lot of pets). Article Images Copyright . Of course, the devil wants more sinners in the world . For you are esteemed highly of the Lord. a. Debbie McDaniel is a writer, pastor's wife, mom to three amazing kids (and a lot of pets). We are seeing a cyber revival that rivals the greatest worldwide outpouring of the gospel in all human history. happens? (Luke 8:11-15), Your email address will not be published. Hopefully, you correctly answer, "nothing"; the devil cannot steal anything from a child of God. Thats right, no matter what life throws at you your joy can be stolen. 5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole. Rejoice evermore. Dont let the devil steal your destiny. When oppression or persecution arises because of the word, immediately he stumbles. He said to them, To you is given the mystery of the Kingdom of God, but to those who are outside, all things are done in parables, that seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest perhaps they should turn again, and their sins should be forgiven them. People Listen In Different Wayscan You Reach All Of Them. Stealing our joy is what the father of lies is good at. Life can come at you fast! So we headed to Applebees Tuesday. In Jesus name, Amen. Speaks of God's glory in your life, and it glorifies God. However, in Colossians 3:20 Paul admonishes children to obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord., Secondly, Satan attempts to destroy your future by causing you to disrespect those who are responsible in helping you to achieve your given purposes. The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes. So He knows when the thiefyour thief (if you believe the devil is the thief . Perhaps we need not only sing the song, but believe it with all our heart. Satan wants us to live in joyless misery. To him be all power over all things, forever and ever. A woman when she is in travail hath sorrow, because her hour is come: but as soon as she is delivered of the child, she remembereth no more the anguish, for joy that a man is born into the world. Psalms 126:4-6 God says our weeping will turn to rejoicing as we return with harvest. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. Church Of God. No matter what youre confronted with or what opposition you face, Gods power that is working within you is greater! It feels as though someone has stolen a piece of you and is trying to sell it back to you. Dont let anyone steal your joy Bible verse, Dont let the devil steal your joy Bible verse. Amen. With the rest He can give you peace. (Matthew 10:42). Here are 7 proven ways to restore your joy. In this moment, find a reason to give Him glory. This is the antidote to Satans advances with weapons of depression, fear, insecurity, bitterness, and every negativity. Please email for meeting times Down in my heart, The gleam in your eye will dull. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. God, discouraging circumstances have come to rob me of my praise. "Whoever would save his life will lose it" ( Luke 9:24) means losing the "pride of life" ( 1 John 2:16) in order to gain what is "truly life" ( 1 Timothy 6:19 ). 5 For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." "The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. Hebrews 4:16 tells us to come boldly before Gods throne that we might receive grace and help in our time of need. When people are mean to us or talk bad about us, it hurts our feelings and ruins our day. 1 John 4:4 says, "Greater is He that is in me than he who is in the world." I believe it glorifies God when we refuse to live in fear, worry, dread, or any other relatives of theirs. The worst thing we can do is put our joy in the hands of someone other than God. Trust the Lord; and remember that other Christians all around the world are going through these sufferings too. Your happiness and joy depend on you, and no one elses words matter. A lack of forgiveness blocks our fellowship with God, and that prevents our spiritual growth. The joy of the Lord is our strength. Or perhaps you would like to listen to Zach Williams hand-clapping toe-tapper, Old Church Choir. Some of them may seem obvious, some less so. Because the devil is trying to steal our money. Jesus tells us in John 10:10 that Satan is a thief and he comes to steal kill and destroy. Or perhaps you would like to listen to Zach Williams' hand-clapping toe-tapper, Old Church Choir. Service . Denomination: These are those who have heard the word, and the cares of this age, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful. Life is hard, and sometimes struggles will come your way. Stand firm when he attacks. Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password. Please call for service times, Meeting Times: We meet at the Pasterfield Community Centre at Horizon Ave, Cameron Park. The devil says, " I got to get it I got to get it I got to get it Because if I ever get it, The thing that they been praying for They gon' mess around . This was something that broke the writers heart. He uses people. When you make a decision to stand in faith, Satan will challenge you. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). While Israel was forced to live away from home as punishment for their sin, the captors God allowed to triumph for a season, mocked this displaced nation. Proverbs 16:9 says a mans mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps and makes them sure. It takes practice to trust in the One who holds every tear weve cried to take away the sorrow. It's the best way to show them that they can't steal your joy. Because our faith wont work if we dont. God will always think more of you than your family does! They were all sitting around, just crying, mourning and lamenting their losses. Have you heard the saying, Dont let anyone steal your joy? Our joy is precious and must be protected from others stealing it. Tell yourself, " I'm tired of going before the judged, standing there knowing he's got my life in his hands. I'd rather stand before God and throw myself on his mercy. His ministry is to steal, to kill and to destroy (Jn 10:10). David was supposed to be favored, beloved and singled out for great things. Ruston, Louisiana 71270 Don't Let Anyone Steal Your Joy John 16:17 . Weather the storm. IV. Debbie McDanielis a writer, pastor's wife, mom to three amazing kids (and a lot of pets). The writer of this sad song, who was a very depressed and distressed musician, asked, How can we sing the songs of the LORD while in a foreign land?. | Podcast: You will see great things happen . It is a demonstration of faith in the infallible Word of God. Keep on holding fast to His promises. He personally will come and pick you up, and set you firmly in place, and make you stronger than ever. Main Proverbs 10:28, Matthew 10:36, Isaiah 53:4-5, Matthew 8:17, Isaiah 50:6, Hebrews 12:2, 2 Corinthians 8:9, Philemon 1:7, 2 John 1:12, Psalms 126:4-5, 1 Thessalonians 1:5-7, Nehemiah 8:10, Proverbs 3:7-8, 2 Chronicles 20:1-28, Judges 7, 1 Samuel 17, Denomination: Performance & security by Cloudflare. The farmer went out to sow his seed. Don't let the enemy steal your joy! Satan is out to steal your joy. David despite being attacked by the Amalekites with his wives taken captive didnt slide into depression, but kept on believing in Gods ability to restore to him all that was lost. are some of the things that stray believers out of their state of joy. For you are a gift of God. because many people have returned to church and to Gods word for comfort, strength and peace during this coronavirus crisis. If you need prayer, don't hesitate to request it. In todays devotion, Dianna Hobbs says God is making a way where this is no way. Don't let him. He's given you joy that's independent of the happenings around you . Whenever you feel fear trying to come on you, don't stand it for a moment. He wants to erase from our minds that the Lord has pulled us out of . Many Christians feel that Satan is out after them personally, but I can assure you hes not respecter of persons. It happens to everyone. In fact, Jesus died to give it to you. The devil steals your voice. There are barrel beads, heads of sermons and some ministers used to have fifteen heads to one ser mon; pin-heads, heads of cattle, as the farmer calls his cows and oxen; head winds, drum-heads, cabbage heads, logger-heads; come to a bead, like a boil; heads of chapters, head him off, head of the family, and go aheadbut first be sure you . Time limit is exhausted. 2. So, we must teach them how to be mannerly, how to show respect, and how to reverence God (see Deut. Dont let anyone steal your joy bible verse. B. Joy isnt just a happy feeling based on our circumstances or things. C. That the Joy of the Lord is your strength - Nehemiah 8:10. This is why he will do anything to . Dollar, Jr. Excerpt permission granted by Those on the rock are they who, when they hear, receive the word with joy; but these have no root, who believe for a while, then fall away in time of temptation. A great multitude was gathered to him, so that he entered into a boat in the sea, and sat down. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2023 Designed by Freshword Media . But (there's that word again, and again) Jesus also shares Sunday, and resurrection, new life and new hope, with us. And he delights in doing it. Have you ever felt like you lost your joy? If youre too busy, take an hour or so to write down everything youre doing or what you want to do. Sorrow will turn into joy. Be carefulwatch out for attacks from Satan, your great enemy. (no peace, no security, not enough time in the day), 2. The devil himself masquerades as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). He is still ready to steal the seed from your heart. Pastor Tom, Sermon Tom Golden January 30, 2023 Matthew 12:38-45, 1 kings 10 : 1-9, Jonah 3. It wasnt long before David recovered all he had lost. You get a major blessing from God, the Holy Ghost comes down, and you feel on top of the world. We need to learn to wait on Him, listen to what Hes telling us to do and then obey Him. Refuse to act on Satan's demands. And in due time, just as He delivered David, just as He delivered the Israelites out of Babylonian captivity, and just as He delivered you before, He will do it again. The priest complied with both requests. Satan will surely try to stop you while on your journey. It brings life and health. `, Scriptures: Because they had no root, they withered away. All rights reserved. We don't have to listen or give way to his defeat, he holds no power over us. A. Take some time and reminisce with gratitude all the good things God has done for you. We use cookies to optimize our website and our service. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a2af107cf5a99ba Finally, the third area in which your destiny could be destroyed is through distrust. Keep on singing. You can still enjoy your day and choose joy over everything else no matter what. Down in my heart, Matthew 10:36 KJV - And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you. (Or, if you have online haters, just block them. In John 16:24, Jesus tells us to ask, and we shall receive, and our joy will be complete. 1 obstacle, he warns, an enemy on the prowl, a master of disguises. C. Do take responsibility for your own actions and if necessary RISE ABOVE them. It's one that does take effort and must be done on a steady basis. Try, One Small Change Will Energize Tomorrow's Sermon, Slow Down, Big Fellawhat A Motorcyclist Taught Me About Preaching, Spit-Shine Tomorrow's Sermon Before You Go To Bed Tonight. 4 Surely He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses) and carried our sorrows and pains [of punishment], yet we [ignorantly] considered Him stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God [as if with leprosy]. Paul Meier, author of Happiness is a Choice, points out that the Devil cannot steal your joy if you recognize that you, not Satan, are in control of your own attitude. Please reload CAPTCHA. My reason for sharing this is to make this point: you cant allow anything to rob you of your joy and take away your song. Do "choose" joy. The thorns grew up and choked them. Hes causing things to work out for you! His life was in danger! Genesis 21:6; Exodus 15:20; 2 Samuel 6:16; Nehemiah 8:9-12; Nehemiah 9:1-38; Psalm 30:5; Psalm 126:1-2; Psalm 126:5-6; Isaiah 22:12-13; Matthew 9:15; Matthew 11:17; Luke 1:13-14; Luke 1:58; Luke 6:21-25; John 16:20-22; Romans 12:15; 2 Corinthians 7:10; James 4:9), If you would like to share in the blessings of this ministry remember even a $1 cup of cold water given in Jesus name will not lose it's reward. Ill tell you again that Satan is not interested in you personally so it's no use crying or having a pity party and saying "why me". Scripture: We ask foryour grace to cover our lives this day. As you drink down the contents of your cup, even though things arent perfect, refuse to let anything steal your praise. 6:1-7). Many Christians feel like they need to clean themselves up before coming to God in prayer. Even when I question what happens, I am determined to fight back against the joy-stealers. Hey, my name is Brian Burke and I'm the author of 2 Corinthians 8:9 AMP - For you are becoming progressively acquainted with and recognizing more strongly and clearly the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (His kindness, His gracious generosity, His undeserved favor and spiritual blessing), [in] that though He was [so very] rich, yet for your sakes He became [so very] poor, in order that by His poverty you might become enriched (abundantly supplied). Could it be that satan has stolen your joy? You're sluggish, downtrodden and just tired. DOS & DONTS (A LITTLE PASTORAL WISDOM FOR THE HOLIDAYS! He can even use people to lead us astray from what will give us joy. Dont blame everyone else for what is wrong in your life, D. Do Reverence the Lord.
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