This is whats known as the Argumentum ad populum fallacy. But if your axe is based on tithing being practiced & encouraged (no one mandates & makes me give)then you have a axe with much of Christendom. Knolleys was under deep conviction of the need to preach the New Testament and follow its example as ones rule of faith. I would prefer just wearing casual clothes like I do just about every time. Jesus upheld tithing because the Mosaic law was still in force for the Jews until the death of Christ. Thus the words Independent and Fundamental have been added by many Baptist churches to further identify themselves as truly Bible believing churches and to show a distinction between themselves and Baptist churches who were not following Gods word. Its is true that many Baptists left the ranks of Protestant churches which were doctrinal unsound and apostate. In what areas? Matthew 7:1&2, Judge not, that ye be not judged. Suppose an airplane flew over some isolated country that had no past or present contact with anyone else in the world. 17 And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man . When the Roman Emperor declared Christianity the religion of Rome, he in mass converted hordes of pagans which made up the Empire. Churches in USA; Churches in Canada; Churches in Australia; Churches in the UK; Churches Worldwide . One of the best sources I have found concerning His nature, the Nature of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit is at the following link: Gayle Erwin does a wonderful teaching on the nature of God. We have special music and usually 2 preachers a night. Such as The Church of Christ? As long as they go to a God fearing church that believes in Jesus Christ and they themselves are not rebelling against God then it would not hurt my feelings if they went to Southern Baptist or Methodist churches. The crucial point is not that they called themselves Baptists, but they followed the Bible as their sole authority for faith and practice. Nope, dont see that. It bases its belief in the New Testament teaching that every believer is a priest to himself, having full excess to God without the need to go through a church, church leader or priest. Alsoas in regargds to whom Jesus spoke to (they were Phairsees)I dont think that matters, the Phairsee just happened to be the ones constantlty questioning & troubling Himas well as were the Religious Leaders of that day whom example was probally looked at by others to follow (note Jesus: Do the things that they teach, Jesus said, But do not do the things that they do). 7) divorce as the unpardonable sin you can be forgiven if you kill someone, or if you have been saved from a homosexual lifestyle, but God help you if you have been divorced, they will still let you come to the meetings but you have to set on the back row. I do like your nice touch of calling us idiots though. These churches were missions minded and formed schools to train preachers and missionaries. Therefore if a church is teaching Tithe is mandatory or sin if not donethey are I believe in error. Grace Independent Chapel Size: Medium church 126 Airport Rd Shamokin, PA. Loving Fellowship Baptist Church . I posted my last post like 3 days ago and it just came up recently. They called themselves Baptists because that was the best name they could choose to describe what they believed and the name identified them a Bible believing people. For example when Jesus said to not store up treasures on earth where they would persih but in HeavenI believe Hes refering to at least in part some Godly endeavors (that often take money)that we do for His namesake. We believe in salvation by grace through faith as described in Ephesians 2:8-9. The Revolutionary War for some time slowed the growth of Baptist churches. 6.) Thanks for your response. Any way dont want to lie on any church. Memoirs of a Recovering Fundamentalist, 55. Filter Churches. Well originally Abraham initiated giving a tenth of his to the priest in the Melchizdeak order which was a type of Christ I believe. Hope this clears up some confusion. @bob There is every value in appealing only to present adherence to the New Testament as ones sole authority for faith and practice. But we need YOUR help to make this project successful! Founded in June of 1980, International Baptist Missions is a ministry of Tri-City Baptist Church. Christ suffered and gave His life to save you from hell, it's time you start going to a church that actually believes that. The line of English churches that can be traced, who called themselves Baptists, began in 1610 in Holland. Its so important to ask Gods help in forgiving themotherwise satan can get a foothold. The purpose of the Law being fullfilled we should do all good works in Christ for we are saved to do good works. It is well to note the Pilgrims were also Puritans, and Puritans were Protestants who had left the Church of England. Seeking to be faithful to the Word of God, the early Bible church movement sought to provide fellowship, counsel, and cooperation. 2 Timothy 2:15, Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. God, I believe deliberately used isolated groups in many different places during time to preserve His church and did not choose to use a line or chain of churches to past His Word and authority on to the next generation. Throughout all your conjecture you based none of you opinions on scripture. Just because everyone else is doing it doesnt mean its correct. 8. Select worship style. (I do love acapella singing, btw.). teaching that all sex is dirty, etc..), I see no sense in throwing the baby out with the bath water. Independent Fundamental Baptist churches have fellowship one with the other and often cooperate in such endeavors as evangelism. Many Protestant denominations still hold to the writings of their church fathers as a source of church doctrine and have never accepted the Bible as their sole source of teachings for their faith and practice, which is a foundational teaching of Catholicism. The pastor's name is Kevin Draganac. @greg Both are true and one doesnt cancel out the other. In answer your assumptions about me. Have been over twenty years, and have attended probably ten or more IFB churches here in Ohio and elsewhere, and I have never met an IFB pastor who didnt include scriptures from the Old Testament as well as the New Testament, in his sermons. Yes, we do preach not to be unequally yolked with non-belivers and I agree with that. In 1638, he landed in Boston and settled for a short time in Piscataway (now Dover) in New Hampshire. It became an independent church in 1746. Baptist also believe the Bible interprets itself, and that Christ is the only head of the church. I think I already addressed that point. Also, from personal expreicnei know how it feels to be spirtually abused. It is the Lords tithe, and God chose to use his tithe in the OT and in the NT for the maintenance of the priesthood (those that are called out for the specific service of God in ministering to the Lord and to the people on behalf of the Lord) and the maintenance of the house of God a place wherein Gods people assemble for the purpose of worship (honoring) the Lord. The Reformers were those who protested against certain abuses within the Roman Catholic Church. I am personally done with religion If asked what religion I am, my standard answer is christian even though I am still attending a little Baptist Church. Benedict in his history of the Baptists states the Gospel was preached in Britain within sixty years of the Lords return to heaven. 4.) These churches patterned themselves strictly after the New Testament example, and this made them valid churches approved of God. I can certainly forgive you. The mighty IFB has spoken It looks like I'm wasting my time. Or, I hope that youve beaten your children today, 13Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. They do not find support in the Bible for such a requirement. Many Baptist churches have Trustees, but their position was established in order to have legal signatories to sign legal documents of the church. As a matter of fact, you cannot be a member of a Calvary Chapel. We preach modest clothing (unfortunatly most of the girls at my church dont adhere to it in that they wear skirts that expose all but a few inches of the upper leg). History records the members of this Baptist church went back to England or remained in Holland and joined Mennonites. No new testament christian anywhere in scripture, that I know of, is compelled to give a tithe. I hope Im helping him in his faith journey. Nowhere in the Bible do I see that Christians are recognized by their clothing. Im all about modest clothing, but I cant tell you how many sermons I have sat through where the man of God railed against women wearing slacks. Any professed church that does not recognize these is Apsotasy & not the Church. Exposing the Dangerous Teachings and Traditions of the Independent Fundamental Baptist Denomination Please scroll down to find a list of articles for your convenience. Like friends of my son who were in Mexico recently. You are right, Jesus came to fulfill the law. That coupled with your seeming lack of spiritual maturity will make for an interesting combination. Is it based on the individual church or whole congregations? We are not under law, but under grace. The New IFB website and social media accounts - launched in early 2018 - have been taken down, and some pastors have distanced themselves from Anderson and his movement. Through preaching the New Testament, the Gospel went forth in power and the Baptist movement grew rapidly. The Road to Emmaus Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church in Monaca, Pennsylvania. Personally, I try to for the most part give as I think God is pleased incl supporting Evangelism Ministrys like Compassion (that not only care for childrens physical need but also spirtual vs. the formerly known as Christian Childrens Fund now I believe under the name Child Aide, mainly becaus eCompassion confesses to be Christian & I believe to support church endeavors. The Person of Jesus Christ: Jesus is 100% God and 100% man for all eternity. In 1645, he formed a Baptist church in London. In only a few years however, the church had lost all but ten members to the Mennonites and other groups in Holland. Thousands of Southern Baptist Churches didn't baptize a single convert last year. No church in the NT took that label. From there, entering into an IFB church really gave me a culture shock. I do not agree with the IFB on their viewpoint of strict dress standards. Tithing preceded the OT Law. p.s. We all make mistakes, the only thing we can do is apologize and attempt to do better. That shows your lack of emotional maturity. The point is the name Baptist in the beginning was used to designate a true New Testament assembly that was biblically sound. Robert Fry - Pastor of Bible Baptist Church in Plattsburgh, NY Deception; 75. Ive told bits and pieces of my story here over the last couple of years, so dont want to travel back through all of that, suffice it to say I left a very legalistic IFB, and now find myself in a tiny, new work that a friend started about 4 years ago (about 20 on Sunday) he calls it a Baptist church, I spoke to him about taking the baptist title out of it, but he wouldnt have it. @Lynne I appreciate your dedication and your spirit to pursue what God would have for you in the area of giving. First I would disagree that The Church of Christ teaches first century, new testament doctrine. We do good works (they are only truly good b/c of the bllod of Jesus that justifys us & are perfect through His shed blood). I made a very similar forgiveness plea on facebook just yesterday, asking all to forgive me if I had ever legalistically stepped on them. 2. Im referring to a mistake I made in my fairly long comment, which you may not have seen yet, once you do youll understand I was correcting a statement in my next to last paragraph. The only time I ever dressed up was for Job interviews. One of the most unsettling things to experience is dealing with corruption in power. Found you after all this time!!! These five distinctive beliefs separate the true Baptists from other groups who have mistakenly taken the name Baptist and all non New Testament churches such as the Protestants. Lynne While I agree with most of your comment, I would be very interested in finding where Jesus teaches about tithing in the bible. I have transferred schools and since then Ive had to find a new church. ANyone who wont give to thie ronw family or help the place where they go to felloship togther (bills etc) is pretty lousy I think & no amount of preaching it will probally make a differenc eunless God pricks thier hearts. Many men have suffered and given their fortunes and their lives to hold the name in truth. God bless. (My family moved alot when I was a child, and Ive attended 7 different IFB churches in 4 different statesnot all of them are same, but my current one for the last 10 years is great), I had a long response here, but I received and error. While I do agree that there are some things that tradition has failed on (i.e. But I dont self-identify as a Baptist any longer, I simply say that Im a christian. Our church stresses the importance of listening to music that is Christ-honoring and doesnt sound like war as the music mentioned while worshiping the golden calf in the Old Testament (inspired Scripture) There were other factors, such as the show business aspects of the preaching as well as the powertripping that actually planted my difficulties to begin with. Tithing is still a required act in obedience just like loving the Lord thy God and loving thy neighbor as thyself is. Since you seem to be more of an authority on this, could you recommend some source material which would specifically deal with this from an IBC perspective? In other words, when the Bible speaks, the words have a literal meaning and that it the meaning God intended. 1. We dress however we want, however, my Pastor chides me in good nature, because I frequently wear black clothing, but he is not being critical. We never shun people who leave the church. Member churches are forbidden to affiliate with any denomination, and the fellowship, administered by annually elected trustees, cannot organize itself as a denomination. Anyone who differed with the practices of the State church were subject to great persecution. For instance, if I was regularly wearing a swim suit or Scooby Doo costume to any Church I would probably be asked to Change into something more appropriate. You are correct, I was surprised. One Baptist church, however, did begin after 1714, in Surry Country, and another at Burleigh, Virginia. Its not that I wouldnt want to give to bothbut if I only have 30 dollars; Id rather give to feed, clothe, house & most of all share the Gospel vs just feed, clothe & housed. Questions/comments: Pastor Brewer's email: It certainly isnt about our adherance to a set of manmade rules. Men meeting the Biblical qualification of deacons (servants) (1 Tim. Thank you for your help! -Ray, My church preaches those five points and we are an IFB church. Our Beliefs JESUS CHRIST Jesus Christ is at the center of everything. But God knows his heart. They wanted to bring reform to the Church of England. Gilbert (7 miles) Higley (11 miles) Mesa (13 miles) Tempe (14 miles) Ahwatukee (14 miles) El Mirage (14 miles) More Types of Churches in Chandler. Advanced Search Directory View All Listings Add Listing Sort By: Grace Baptist Church Pastor's Name Timothy C. Johnson Physical Address 487 Hwy. It may be this passage of Scripture Paul had in mind when he said I am innocent of the blood of all men because he had taught them the whole counsel of Gods word. 8) forbid lifting of hands during the service, some of the IFB churches are more lenient on this matter that others. halftruth and deception ministries. Greg, Sure the new testament is important but so is the old testament. There he became the pastor of the Puritan church. Some more deception I would like to expose are these IFB web sites. Omissions? There's only one way to heaven, and that . The IFBs always point fingers at the Catholics, but the Baptist faith is loaded with the traditions of men, I guess its kind of hard to escape. I know of no place in scripture where a tithe is ever money! I would like to hear further explanation of the following: It was organized in Cicero, Illinois, U.S., in June 1930 as the successor to the American Conference of Undenominational Churches. I hear a lot that the IFB has strict dress standards. He refused to wear the robes of his church office, and refused to let unsaved people take the Lords Supper. In Germany, the state church is Lutheran and in England, the Anglican church, France, the Roman Catholic Church, etc. But I also would agree that just about every other Church denomination has strict dress standards as well. Right down to exactly a tenth. A church that is a biblical one, patterns its self-after the example in the New Testament. But it seems bottom line the wealth & sacrifce of it to kingdom building remains the same. Thanks for any love shown but what you just did Kaatie was take a few lines I wrote and placed them within your own ideaand that is know as taking something out of context . King Ethelbert and his court, and a considerable part of his kingdom, were won over by the successful monk. I know that we dont use argriculture in the same way they did. Yes we only use KJV (I perosnally like it better myself because I like the Shakespeareanesque vernacular versus modern but thats a personal choice). That is what saved believers have always believed, because that is what the New Testament which is Gods Word to man says. You will find, to the left, a tags cloud as well as a category drop down menu. 77. It can be historically determined that forty seven Baptist churches were in existence before the Great Awakening. The entire point of Matthew 15 is Jesus telling the Pharisees that the ceremonial laws were no longer needed since the reason for them (the cleansing of sin) was replaced with Christs eventual death on the cross. In a biblical church the pastor is the overseers or leaders of the congregation. A side note, my sons group In Search Of Reason has been selected to play for CreationFest this year. Puritans and Baptists alike, to escape persecution, migrated to the New World. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Tithing is no longer a requirement and God doesnt not require a tithe for obedience as is preached in todays churches. She even gave me a monetary gift when I had no money for food. I think you are confusing ceremonial law with moral law. Look at Ezekiel 33. They were a New Testament church, not because of a succession of churches or men, but because they formed their church on the principles of the New Testament. The acapella voices were very beautiful, and I knew she would have enjoyed hearing them. Each year members profess 16 articles of faith that include the original five points of fundamentalismthe literal truth of divinely inspired scripture, the Virgin Birth and deity of Christ, substitutionary atonement through Christ, the Resurrection, and the Second Coming of Christ. There was no hierarchy in the churches he founded, which were patterned after the simple New Testament example. America needs great Independent Baptist churches again. I have gone to Dayspring in Wisconsin and Hillcrest in El Paso and both have apps if you want to check them out. I really dont know how to describe it. When we arrive in heaven we are going to be surprised not only by who is there, but by who isnt there. If lots of the Church congregation was wearing Scooby doo and sponge bob square pants costumes or swimsuits regularly to Church I would guess that some people would probably leave and look for another Church. He told me that he attends a independent Baptist Church and stressed the importance of the small ( i ) in the name. Typically they take the following verse an stretched it like a balloon: Treated like everywhere else been. The new testament says Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. that pretty much destroys the idea of someone being forced to give. Would someone be frowned upon if they used another translation of the bible in your church besides the KJV translation? You are doing exactly what Mark 7:7 speaks against, you are teaching false doctrines and commandments of men. I have to chuckle every time I think about a comment our former IFB pastor said about lifestyle evangelism as he puts it. He then begins crying, Im not an expert at body language, but it certainly seemed contrived, preachertainment some would call it. Here ar ethe key words: ought to have done without leaving the others undone, which would mean that tithing is good. Have a look at Matthew 15. I should have or you should have? My question would be: When has anyone ever given 10% to GOD. It more often then none goes to the support building, supplies, salaries of a ministry under the leadership of usually a man., Excellent book on the subject is Should the Church Teach Tithing by Russell Kelly, They have a 1st Amendment right to speak their mind, but that doesnt mean shouting down a preacher at a military funeral. Lack of pastoral accountability is not the problem. For example, we had Dish installed in our home a few weeks ago. The church I left about 2 years ago had very nasty tracts in the back of the church that said horrible things about other translations, calling them perversions and so forth and actually saying outright lies about other translations. You could mean those persons or churches which held to the Baptists beliefs although they may not have called themselves Baptists. The Association of Fundamental Baptist Churches in the Philippines AFBCP is an organization guiding cooperative ministries of Independent Baptist I cannot know. Your reasoning is faulty. But the police proceeded to arrest them and throw them in jail. A tithe was to be given by Jews under law to a levitical priest and as far as I can tell, it was always a product from the land, be it animals or some sort of plant life. Although, they were not as corrupt as the Church of England, they still practiced a strict ritual of church service, a state church, and among other things, infant baptism. Bob So true, the subject that I simply couldnt justify (there were several) with my old fundy churchs teaching with scripture, was tithing. Jesus as clearly as the Son of God could tells us says (John 6:37-39,43 All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away. The over the years the growth of so many false and idolatrous practices caused some within the Catholic church such as Martin Luther to rebel, and to try to reform the Catholic church. IFCA International was founded in 1930 as the Independent Fundamental Churches of America in response to the growing apostasy within the major denominations. Comprized of many nationalities and backgrounds, the secret of successat CR, is that this is a Bible Chuch revolving around King Jesus. I loved what you said about knowing the nature of God. For example these same people existed when He taught to look upon a woman with lust was Adultry & not just the physcial act. I understand all that. , Oak Harbor, Washington 98277) Under the Roman Catholic influence these missionary centers diverged into monasticism. A church only has authority to set guidelines on dress as it is addressed in Scripture. I also believe that hanging around with non-Christians is detrimental to ones faith as I have done this. I have to tell you, Lynne, if you want to keep one part of the law, without keeping the rest of the law, you are guilty of breaking the whole thing. Examples: Billy Graham, Promise Keepers. I commented that some of the teen girls were dressed entirely innappropriately with tiny shorts, which were very immodest, so there certainly should be a standard for modesty. John was beheaded by Herod (Matt. My mother is divorced, as are a few others in the congregation. God uses us, to the extent that get out of His way. He records that five hundred others who were identified as Anabaptists were also killed in England during this period. These true Baptists added the adjectives Fundamental and Independent to their name in order that they not be identified with the false practices and teaching of the doctrinally unsound churches using the Baptist name. Thanks but addressed all points. Secessionism is the gross error of Catholicism. The Great Awakening stirred religious interests in the colonies and a reported great revival took place. If people would only study the Word of God for themselves and stop being pew sitters and believe everything the pastor says of gospel truth theyd be able to spot a false doctrine/teacher a mile away. We should never be arrogant in the word, instead humble. Ok, so Im pretty sure you are referring to the Church of Christ that was founded by good ol Thomas Campbell (1763-1854) He was a fine Scottish Presbyterian who left Ireland to come to western PA. in 1807. The grace economy is a much superior way to live a life pleasing to God. 4. I attend an IFB church. Ask these five questions of any church, and if they can answer all five in truth with a yes, then you will have a true Baptist church. This was the birth of Protestant churches. Even the enemies of the Baptists openly recognize their zeal for the Word of God. Youve done nothing to, directly compare doctrine and practices using scripture to make the assertion which is correct.. The Scripture: It is entirely inerrant and sufficient for all Christian life. We can clearly see the Spirit of God in your gracious post. Its nothing personal, just logic. Everyone wanted attention from the pastor and never left the man alone to truly study Gods Word. It seems like in the church I personally attended, that the powertrip I saw actually stemmed from a total lack of outside maturity from the church in general. BEREAN BAPTIST CHURCH. They believe that when the Book of Revelation was completed by the Apostle John about 90-95 AD, the Word of God was complete. Headquarters are in Grandville, Michigan. These people give Jesus and Christianity overall a black eye every time they go to a military funeral or any other event they have absolutely no respect for. So you made assumptions based on very little. King James (KJV) Independent Fundamental Baptist Churches in Arkansas. I suppose I should have asked a couple of questions first, to which group of The Church of Christ are you referring? We are an old-fashioned, independent, fundamental, King James Bible only, soul-winning Baptist church. Some Baptist historians, have made attempts at doing this, but in many cases refer to groups as early Baptists who did not in fact hold to pure Baptist beliefs as held today. If it furthers & advances the Kingdom of God (the Church, Evangelism, Missionaries, etc), then I believe it is going to God. In reference to the quote you took it wasi n explanation in regards to another point poised regarding tithing a tenth of income vs. actual agriculture and/or stock as the Jews did back thenand it was in a common sense response to the rhetoric regarding why tithe a tenth of income vs possesions being sold, etc is done by most churche sin Usa & other developed nations. Suppose too that some of them on reading that Bible were to believe and repent of their sins and place their trust in Gods Son and His redemption for personal sin. It was horrible. Protestants for centuries saw the Baptists as their enemies and murdered them by the thousands in the name of Protestantism. My point (and I just found Scripture) was that Jesus did not disnounce it as badHe says (less I misunderstand) these you ought to have done without leaving the rest undone. G.L. Will you join us?
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