and Klaus tells him to let her go as he will sacrifice everything good with her for his brother. One particular woman walks right over to Caroline and Stefan, she is Sloan. As Stefan and Damon leave and walk in the woods Stefan says "I love her, Damon," and Damon says that he does as well. Jo begins her vows, but she's cut short when she's stabbed repeatedly in the abdomen. Stefan agrees to move out all of the residents of Mystic Falls in exchange for the Heretics to live in his home. Stefan and Caroline figure out that Katherine is in Elena's body. Caroline then leaves Stefan to go and blow up the Heretics. In the meantime Rebekah and Damon are attacked by Vaughn and manage to overpower him while Bonnie is talking with Shane (who is actually Silas pretending to be Shane) who is trying to convince her that there is a way to bring Jeremy back to life. Stefan finally meets with Caroline, they arrive at some abandoned train station, they're talking about Damon and Elena and as Damon is going to tell her that he killed Aaron, Enzo then arrives and interrupts them. Damon, immediately suspicious about Klaus' involvement, tries to get Stefan to admit what he seems to not be telling them. All of a sudden Katherine starts gasping and falls. He goes into a bar where supernatural people can stay and no magic can reach inside. Stefan suggests that they also get Matt over there at the house. Stefan tries to make it sound fun by suggesting they see the world, just the two of them. After that Elena says that he clearly cares about her. He has to deal with and immortal named Silas. Stefan tries to assuage her fears, suggesting that the witches might just be messing with Bonnie's head to teach her a lesson. In I Never Could Love Like That, Caroline drops a body from the caf rafters, trying to scare the employee to death. She finds them and finds out that Silas chose to be with Qetsiyah's hand-maiden, Amara, the original doppelgnger of Elena. This caused him to display clear differences from who he was with memories albeit briefly. When she dies the final time, everyone with that mark will die too. In only after seeing her a few times, Stefan started to flirt with her and began having jokey and teasing conversations. He throws his bottle and to his surprise Damon catches it. He looks at the files and finds what he's looking for. Height Just before the younger Gilbert succeeds in that, Stefan appears and snaps Damon's neck. Stefan tells Damon that he wants Elena to try the animal blood diet so that maybe she can avoid hurting or killing anyone, something that Stefan feels would be especially hard for Elena. At the cabin, Stefan talks with Elena about their secret regarding Enzo's death. Rebekah admits that Stefan is actually fun tonight and he responds that he can't listen to the 80's music without thinking of Lexi. Klaus also adds that him and Stefan work well together, or at least they did back in the twenties. Valerie clears up that notion quickly. Discovering that Stefan was a ripper- meaning he only fed and hunted and has lost his humanity, Lexi took it upon herself to help Stefan regain his humanity by not turning his feelings off, where she succeeded eventually. Whilst drinking and laughing, Stefan reveals his plans to join the war and seems surprised, yet joyful when Damon requests to join, and says he will speak to his C.O before leaving to get another round of drinks. Damon however says that he can handle Stefan with his flipped switch so he'll manage to handle Elena too. Katherine disputed this and insisted both of their feelings were genuine, she had only compelled him to not be scared of her. Stefan had a horse during his human years named Mezzanotte, which means "midnight" in Italian. The Dinner Party (The Vampire Diaries) - Wikipedia Damon tells him that he killed Rayna several times but she only has eight lives. "I think she could use a piece of news like that today," Damon says. Katherine told Stefan that she wants the moonstone back and when he told her that she can't have it Katherine killed Aimee Bradley and left her in Stefan's arms he put Aimee's body in his car. One night, Stefan and Katherine had spent a passionate night together. Before they leave, Stefan watches Elena do a keg-stand, to the cheers of the party-goers, as a last-ditch effort at irritating Rebekah. Then they hook up and agree to not include feelings or any attachments in their relationship. They start to talk about Elena and Damon relationship, and what they have to do with Markos, Stefan tell Damon that he will get Elena home safely but Damon want them both safe. and Stefan w. He later shares an antagonistic relationship with her. Silas drains the Little Gilbert and kills him while Katherine manages to take the cure and run away. He uses the other to knock Stefan over when he rushes him. In A Bird in a Gilded Cage, Stefan arrives home looking for weapons. After that he managed to avoid her for years until she came back home to wish Stefan happy birthday and then all of the guilt and emotions came back rushing through him so that's why he killed her. It is assumed that the Travelers have found him. In Resident Evil, Elena is writing in her diary at a table outside the Grill. Liam then starts giving a very graphicly detailed explanation, but Stefan interrupts Liam asking if there was there any biting. Katherine chose Stefan over Damon, while Elena has chosen Damon over Stefan. Valerie spits on him and tries to light it on fire, but it doesn't work. In the season four finale, Stefan was heartbroken at Elena's choice, but he also admitted that he was happy for Damon. Klaus shows up to get the stakes. The person is also looking for the headstone and finds it, when the original sister catches him. Then they are back at the Salvatore boarding house and Elena wakes up. Stefan thrusts a stake in his hand and demands that Jeremy kill the vampire, who protests but stakes the vampire after Stefan threatens he will let the vampire loose. Canonically, Stefan has been shown to be a. Stefan has been forced or was willing to become the Ripper the last three times: Stefan and Damon's brotherhood and relationship is often compared to and mirrors Klaus and Elijah's relationship. She knows Stefan doesn't really deserve that mark but somebody else does. Stefan told Elena to go and find them, leaving Stefan and Caroline alone. He did not like to see others suffering or in any kind of pain, whether it be physical, emotional, spiritual or mental. He says to her, "After I bit you I never wanted to feel anything again." On occasion, Stefan will sometimes wear black leather jackets and dark sunglasses, which give him a mysterious and rebellious aura. She says his "friend", Enzo made her drink his blood turning her into a vampire. Even after Damon voices his opinion to Elena herself, Stefan and Elena leave for their camping trip as planned. Later at the Salvatore house Damon is Elena at the cellar and she is breathing heavily Damon says that she looks terrible, Elena says that she's hungry not that Damon cares but he said that he cares and that's the whole point he cares and she doesn't and its time for it to change he gives her a blood bag, It turns out its laced with vervain and asks her if she's hurt because he betrayed her or scared because its only going to get a lot worse, she runs for the door but Stefan stopped her and says if they want to play and see who breaks her or them first and it ends with Stefan closing the door. He tells Damon that he's going to go over to the house and fix his mess. Stefan accepts and drinks the number of blood bags Klaus gives him. In Let The Right One after the vampires were released from the tomb, a vampire named Frederick and some other vampires kidnapped Stefan and tortured him and tried to kill him. She's trying to play them but Damon says that they're not falling for her trap. Stefan and Caroline and Enzo find Lily searching for her friends. Stefan was known to be respectful, polite, courteous, and chivalrous towards women. Stefan wakes up next to Caroline. He dated a human, Callie Gallagher, as he tried to free Damon from Callie's father's imprisonment. It doesn't work. He was also more inclined to bold bluntness and his sense of humor was slightly more sarcastic as well as almost taunting, particularly to Damon and Tessa. "why don't you get the hell out of my house. Stefan was his father Giuseppe's favorite son. When Stefan touches one of the bullets, it burns him, and Caroline speculates that the bullets might have been spelled by a witch. After that he runs with his vampire speed next to her and manages to put her down with and injection of vervain. Klaus announces that he now has to go through a three-stage process. Damon is later taken by Rebekah and tortured. [7] This stuck true to Memories' Stefan's pattern soon after he became a vampire. Stefan's Diaries is a trilogy of novels based and written according to the TV series version of the Vampire Diaries. Rayna is in the chair across from him, telling him that she is exhausted. Enzo relents and unpins Damon, who escapes the flames. Species She says she was longing for her children and depressed. Stefan then saw Elena Gilbert for the first time while rescuing her after her parents' car drove off Wickery Bridge. The reason the article has been tagged as such is that it is lacking information about recent episodes and/or correct information. They younger Salvatore responds that sex wasn't good because they didn't care, it was good because she was crazy and crazy sex is always good. She offers to ask Shane for help and Stefan leaves. In Ordinary People, Damon frees Stefan, seeing Lexi's approach as useless. Stefan had the typical weaknesses of a non-Original vampire. They almost kiss when someone enters the office. Sound logic you've got there. Stefan keeps explaining and says that if Silas manages to destroy the other side altogether he can take the cure, die and pass on. She brought him coffee and said that ever since he lost his memories she feels like she has lost a friend and she wants them to start clean. Stefan was very close to Lillian as a child, so much that Damon himself even referred to Stefan as being a "mama's boy". Stefan then tells Bonnie that he thinks they have a new vampire hunter in town. Later, Caroline is watching the shed burn and Stefan joins her. Stefan follows Elena outside the school. Later Caroline is in the Salvatore house, Stefan arrives and sits down to talk to her telling her that he had been looking for her everywhere, Caroline tells him that he is her friend and she need to hear what he really thinks about she and Klaus, but Stefan starts joking, making smile to Caroline, he also looks at her with a tender smile. His magic seems to have stopped working. Stefan was in love with a girl named Callie Gallagher. Stefan and Elena kiss, but are interrupted by a phone call from Damon. The Vampire Diaries Characters, Ranked From Lowest To Highest Kill Count As humans, they were very close- best friends up until the arrival of the beautiful Katherine Pierce. In True Lies, Stefan is still hallucinating. Elena tells Stefan to get Jeremy up to his room. In 500 Years of Solitude, Stefan is in the hospital worried about Katherine. When Enzo is digging a grave in the woods, Stefan arrives and Enzo asks for help but Stefan threatens him and tells him to leave and that leave his brother alone, because he is afraid of Enzo's bad influence on Damon. Elena responds saying "Who gave you that horrible advice?" They all end up showing up to the ball and Elena is escorted in by both brothers. Later, Sarah is about to meet Stefan and just then Enzo walks in to ruin things. ', he says he blames the sire bond for Elena feelings and that 'it's impossible for her to be so blind that she doesn't see how wrong you are for her'. Poor humans. He was the kind of person who tries to protect and save everyone at the same time. Caroline is disappointed and upset when he says that's the only reason he came back to town. In the meantime Damon tells Elena and Rebekah (who has followed them and found them) about the time he had in New York back in the seventies when his humanity was also turned off. Then he tells that back in the seventies after he slept with Lexi he locked her on the roof so when the sun went up she couldn't escape from it. Elena tells him that's not true and that he was dragged through hell but he came out the other side. He tells that he will meet with her in the car and leaves. Damon then tells him that Lily plans to have them fractured and they make a plan about having a fake fight, while Stefan distracts her and Damon can look for the last member of the Heretics. While Jeremy sketches the tattoo, Klaus finishes telling Stefan the story about the Five, and how they daggered all of the Original siblings. Significant kills Stefan's life has been fraught with constant change and various complications: from falling in love and being with Elena to mending his complicated relationship with Damon; from sacrificing his freedom for his brother's life to growing apart from Elena after her transition to a vampire, and suffering the guilt that came from making a split-second decision that resulted in Elena becoming a vampire. The younger Salvatore tells the original sister about the 80's. The original brother then realizes that Elena is right and Katherine is really lying and using him. They exchange intense looks and Stefan finally surrenders to Elena's plea, pulling Matt out of the car. Stefan Salvatore was one of the two main male protagonists of The Vampire Diaries. Stefan says goodbye and as he walks out Elena stops him and asks how he can't feel anything and tells him that feeling anything is better than acting like he doesn't care. Stefan asks what, Elena smiling? It's about time to accept the person that she is right now and start living the rest of her life. Damon begins to speak loudly waiting for Enzo's reply, Enzo is looking at them as a ghost, Caroline says that it doesn't make any sense because if Enzo wanted to kill Elena, drowning her wouldn't have worked, Enzo tells that she is smart and he see why they like her so much. Out in the woods, Stefan tries to defend turning over Enzo to Tripp, but Caroline isn't feeling forgiving. Characters: Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore (mentioned), Matt Donovon, Tyler Lockwood, Elijah Mikaelson, Niklaus Mikaelson, Lockwood!Reader . Stefan is really upset because as long as Rayna is alive and Stefan has that scar, he can't be with his girlfriend because there are kids involved. While searching for clues, Alaric finds pictures of Jo when she was younger, and in one of those pictures, Damon recognizes one of the people she was with as Kai. Stefan describes himself as a loner and doesn't feel that he always fits in. Stefan mentions that he would have given anything to have spent one more day with her before her death. Stefan talks to Elena, who that thinks they should do something, but he tells her that Damon is stalling Vaughn as Damon has not had enough time to bury Silas' body yet. They find to Jeremy and Enzo and Stefan fight with Enzo meanwhile Katherine save Jeremy, Stefan is winning the fight but Enzo attacks Katherine, Stefan help her to pull out the stake when Damon arrives, he says to Enzo that the spell worked and that they can now go to find Dr. Wes, Enzo leaves the room and when Damon is also going to leave, Stefan tells him that he shouldn't bother in coming back at all, Damon tells him that he did not intend to do and leaves. Stefan tells Connor to run and pins Damon to the wall, but Damon quickly overpowers him and plunges his fist into Stefan's chest, refusing to relent until Stefan reveals what he's up to with Klaus. Stefan suggests that he goes back to the island and Damon comes back so that he could use the sire bond and help Elena. Stefan takes Caroline back to the boarding house and they talk about Elena. Stefan runs away and attempts to start a new life on his own in a town called Fells Church, a town located in the American state of Virginia (it is later said that a powerful force of some sorts drew Stefan to Fells Church, although he couldn't understand why he was drawn to the town in the first place). She tries to calm Stefan but he asks if she has bags of blood, she says that she has some in the car but then Stefan disappears. Elena brings up Damon and their trip to Denver but Stefan stops her saying, "If you and I find our way back to each other, you can tell me if you want to. Stefan keeps quiet. Salvatore Family, Forbes Family, Mystic Falls Gang, Mystic Falls High School. He'd felt it, too. After this talk Elena goes upstairs and finally accepts that Jeremy is really dead so she tells Damon to bring his corpse down to the living room. Stefan Salvatore | Wiki | Mystc Fs Amino He wakes up as Elena comes inside his room and wakes him up. Stefan later asks Elena why did she save him from the burning car, and calls her pathetic when she says she still has hope, causing his ex-girlfriend to stab him. Damon and Stefan disconnect from their phone-call. The brothers are taken by the sheriff and her deputies. Stefan finds Caroline debating which flowers to pick for her mum's memorial service. Before turning into a vampire in 1864, Stefan was seen to be happy, optimistic, light-hearted, playful, mischievous and naive. Stefan alerts Elena to the growing pool of blood on the ground. It is there that Stefan confesses his regrets about Elena not feeding in order to complete her transition. Stefan says that when he parties too much he ends up killing people. He breaks the chains and when he he touches her arm, his hand sizzles and it's like her skin is vervain. He played her and said that he doesn't need her help and it was time for him to pay her for six months of her. While Sloan called Caroline and Enzo to give them the information, the Travelers carried to Stefan unconscious on a stretcher elsewhere. After that, they give Elena their house to protect her from vampires. After receiving a tip that Tripp's men have taken Liz into hostage and ask that they make an exchange. He says no because it obviously was all a lie: Valerie was using him. During the graduation Stefan talks to Alaric about Damon not having much time left until the werewolf venom kills him and Damon doesn't want the cure, he wants it for Elena. A flyer is made and news articles are wrote where the deputy slaughter was an accident. She sees a figure, who she assumes to be Markos, and she starts trembling in fear. Stefan says that they could judge Katherine all they want but they keep repeating their own history and their mistakes just like she is. But in destroying the other side every supernatural being over there comes back into their world with vengeance. Both Stefan and Matt, with the rest of the police find the bodies. He is able to learn new languages at an increased speed and adjust to the American customs rather quickly, so much so that his Italian accent becomes less strong. When Damon returns, he tries to make it up to her by apologizing to her and they grow close again. First seen After believing that his system works and he is okay, Elena says good-bye to Stefan. Stefan is saddened when he hears that Elena chose Damon. In Crying Wolf, Stefan brought Elena to a lake house where Elena and her adoptive family used to go. The news of the accident is on and is says that Marty is an alcoholic. Elena bears a strong resemblance to his old and first love, Katherine, and because of this, he repeatedly tries to avoid her at all costs during the beginning of the series, feeling that her uncanny resemblance to Katherine brings up painful, sorrowful memories of his dark, mysterious past. The guy reminds Stefan that he put his brother in the hospital. He had reacted calmly to being told he killed his own father, and showed no reaction being informed he had murdered Honoria Fell while walking past her gravestone. Stefan tries to back out of it, but Bonnie insists that he tell her what's wrong. Elena is in Damon's arms. In Smells Like Teen Spirit, Stefan goes back to school and has moved back to Salvatore Boarding House again, staying behind to keep an eye on Elena, and "guard" her for Klaus. Stefan cuts Jeremy's wrist and gives his blood to the fugitive who completes his transition into a vampire. Then Bonnie gets inside while the Salvatore brothers talk outside, but both groups are actually discussing the same thing.
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