The quality assurance Annex 3 describes the steps that have been taken by FCDO statisticians to minimise these kinds of input errors, and to produce UK ODA statistics. Figure 14: Bilateral ODA by largest Major Sector for the top 10 country-specific ODA recipients, 2019. Second, while the transition economies in Eastern Europe and Central Asia together . The UK government has been signed up to the target since 1974, but reached it for the first . Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). UK foreign aid spending in 2021/22. The DAC publish detailed information of the multilaterals country and sector spending in December. Foreign aid could be slashed to balance the books. Uses of Foreign Aid. In the Blue Book 2019, the ONS implemented a major new methodology framework for GDP, which in turn had a sizable impact on GNI. the UK Government) or their executive agencies, where each transaction meets the following requirements: The list of countries eligible to receive ODA is set by the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC). Figures released by the Foreign Office yesterday revealed that China . Over 5 years: Increasing from 2015, spend to Asia reached a peak in 2016 before steadily falling by 109 million to 2,235 million in 2018. . After final decisions on UK ODA spending are made the GNI estimate can still shift due to later economic data for the year becoming available, so can the amount of ODA spent by other government departments and ODA contributions from non-departmental sources. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. Figure 11 legend: Breakdown of UK Bilateral ODA, 2019. It is bordered by the Red Sea to the west; Jordan, Iraq, and Kuwait to the north; the . Information on this spend can be found in the Office for National Statistics Living costs and Food Survey or the Charities Aid Foundations UK giving report. Telephone: 01355 84 36 51. Figure 1 legend: The blue bars are the UK ODA spend from 1970 to 2019, the pink line is the calculated ODA:GNI ratio from 1970 to 2019 and the grey dashed line is the 0.7% ODA:GNI target set by the United Nations General Assembly in 1970. Note that provisional 2019 spend from other DAC donors is used in this chart. Total ODA from DAC country donors in 2019 was 119.7 billion (grant-equivalent measure), an increase from 115.1 billion in 2018. The estimate in 2018 and 2019 is based on published data from the European Commission on the UKs share of development expenditure. Figure 4: UK Bilateral ODA by receiving region ( millions), 2009-2019. Japan has publicly committed to using the official development assistance (ODA) for guidance in future development. This reflects that core contributions to multilaterals, are in general, based on multi-year commitments which may not be uniformly spread across years, 10,258 million of UK ODA spend was delivered through bilateral channels. The UK pledged to spend at least 0.7 per cent of GNI on foreign aid in 1970. For more information please see the published note which outlines a new approach in more detail and provides an opportunity for users to give feedback. Delivery of leadership and tax audit training to tax administration officials from developing countries. There are 2 cross-government funds, the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) and the Cross-Government Prosperity Fund. Charts and tables (data up to 2019) from the Report: Development Aid at a Glance 2021. News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. Government and Civil Society 1,313 million (12.8%). Between the spring and the autumn, the previous years ODA spending of government departments are finalised. BBC World Service contributes to the BBCs international news mission to address the global gap in provision of trusted news by broadcasting and distributing accurate, impartial and independent news and analysis in developing countries. Private spending or donations made in support of developing countries, for example by the public, the voluntary sector or through remittances, are not part of the ODA definition and not covered in this publication. This source is useful when carrying out international comparisons. The UK's foreign aid budget is being "raided" by the Home Office to cover the costs of hotel accommodation for refugees, a committee of MPs has claimed. This shift in share was in part driven by the decrease seen in the UKs core contributions to multilaterals as well as the actual increase in bilateral ODA spend. As of this reporting, it has disbursed over $32 billion. The data shows that the UK met its spending target of allocating 0.7% of Gross National Income (GNI) towards aid in 2019, a commitment that is enshrined in UK law. It also includes information on the dates of transactions, where the transactions took place and in which sector. Figure 15: Bilateral ODA by Income Group for the Major Sectors, 2019. Aid spending was an estimated 3 billion lower in 2021 than 2020 (14.5 billion versus 11.5 For more information please see the Grant Equivalent Technical note. LONDON The U.K.'s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office will cut its aid budget for programs in China by 95 percent. Core contributions will fluctuate from year to year in part due to the payment schedules of the receiving multilateral organisation. The report finds that, partly as a result, in 2021 UK bilateral aid spending in least developed countries (LDCs) decreased to 1.4bn, which represented about 12% of the aid budget. Foreign aid may be given as a signal of diplomatic approval, or to strengthen a military ally. In 2018, the country donated $14.2 billion. In 2021, the United States budgeted $38 billion for foreign aid spending. It is therefore not possible to directly track the use of UK core multilateral funding. Luxembourg made the largest contribution as a percentage of gross national income (GNI) at 1.05% and . Figure 11: Breakdown of UK 2019 bilateral ODA by Type of Aid. Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia,[c] officially the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA),[d] is a country on the Arabian Peninsula in Western Asia. As mentioned above, the ODA:GNI ratio is based on confirmed ODA spend and estimates of GNI published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). You can change your cookie settings at any time. Non-DFID EU contributions include ODA eligible spend in peace, security, democracy, human rights and civil society. This report contains the release of finalised UK ODA spend figures for the calendar year 2019, including: Comparisons between 2018 and 2019 ODA figures are made, as well as trends over the last 5 years (2015 to 2019 inclusive as shown in most tables). Dr Angela Clare. This approach is in line with how DFID dealt with the last major GNI methodology change[footnote 29] and provides consistency between the in-year monitoring and reporting of the ODA:GNI ratio. The Development Tracker can be used to explore details of the individual development projects that the UK is funding. If you require any other data or information, or if you have any thoughts about how to improve the publication, please contact the statistics team at: According to a note from OECD, the top countries that donated money in 2020 are the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Japan, and France. Non-DAC members included in the OECD's publishing are listed separately. These shares are similar to 2018, UK bilateral ODA spend to the top 5 recipient countries in 2019 increased from 1,409 million in 2018 to 1,415 million in 2019. The UK provided the largest share of total DAC donor ODA to Pakistan (34%), three of the top 15 DAC ODA recipients received 5 per cent or less of their total ODA from the UK. A report from the International Development Committee said the world's poorest countries were being "short-changed" by . Figure 13 provides a breakdown of sector spend by DFID and all Other Government Departments and other contributors of ODA (non-DFID). The Home Office has "raided" the foreign aid budget as costs to support refugees in the UK triple, ministers claim. Its activities include, among others, primary education, basic health services, clean water and sanitation, agriculture, business climate improvements, infrastructure, and institutional reforms. What is the UK's overseas aid budget? There are 2 main delivery channels for ODA: bilateral and multilateral (Figure 2). Office for Statistics Regulation published their finding from the compliance check of SID which confirmed that it is designated a National Statistics. Total bilateral ODA=10.3 billion, of which 4.4 billion (42.4%) is spent in unspecified countries/regions. Dark blue = LDCs/Other LICs (Least Developed Countries/Other Low Income Countries), light blue = LMICs (Lower Middle Income Countries), grey = UMICs (Upper Middle Income Countries). In Table 3, 27.5 million for the UKs assessed contribution to ODA eligible EU civilian peacekeeping missions is reported in these statistics by the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund, as the fund responsible for spending. The UK is one of only six countries who met the UN-defined . From January 24, 2022, to January 15, 2023, the United States provided around 73.2 billion euros in bilateral financial . , The Global Partnership for Education is an example of a sectoral-specific fund where amounts allocated to countries is not known in advance. Multilateral organisations offer economies of scale in their operations and expertise, and often have the mandate and legitimacy to work in politically sensitive situations. Figure 6 legend: Top 5 Recipients of 2019 UK Bilateral ODA ( millions), 2009 to 2019. It also includes a summary of the government's current international development strategy and commentary on some of the issues affecting UK aid spending. And because the economy grew in 2019, aid spending rose in line with national income from 14.5 billion to 15.2 billion an increase of 645 million (4.4%) compared to 2018. Multilateral Aid: When multiple governments pool resources in cooperation with organizations like the World Bank, the IMF, and the UN. The BBC World Service aims through journalism to contribute to accountability and good governance and improve the welfare and economic development of citizens in developing countries. Figure 7 legend: Top 10 Recipients of UK 2019 Bilateral ODA[footnote 14]. warning that according to one estimate from the Centre for Global Development aid spending on in . Countries graduate if they have surpassed the high- income GNI per capita threshold for the 3 consecutive years prior to a graduation year. Figure 9: Breakdown of DFID (A) and non-DFID (B), Country/region Specific proportion of Bilateral ODA by Region, 2015 & 2019. The Government slashed the foreign aid budget from 0.7% to 0.5% of UK national income in 2021. . This is largely driven by contributions to a Reconstruction Trust fund, Democratic Republic of Congo (Congo, Dem. bilateral ODA accounted for 67.5% of total UK 2019 ODA. Following the merger, the ODA statistics team will review the SID in light of this, including how to present and communicate ODA trends for reporting on 2020 ODA and beyond. For example, Afghanistan in 2018 was in 4th position, and in 2019 is in 3rd position (a change of +1). In 2019 (the most recent year for which comprehensive numbers have been released), the U.S. spent over $47 billion on foreign aid - about the same as 2018 and $1 billion more than in 2017. The top 3 spending sectors in this area were Public Sector Policy and Administrative Management (217m), Civilian Peace-Building, Conflict Prevention and Resolution (199m) and Media and free flow of information (119m). The UK spend is highlighted in turquoise with the other donors in dark blue. DCMSs Cultural Protection Fund supports developing countries, mainly in Middle Eastern conflict zones, to protect and restore their cultural heritage. Due to an update to its financial systems, the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) is temporarily unable to update DevTracker. , Frontline Diplomatic Activity (FDA) costs are administrative costs of core programme and operational delivery in or in favour of DAC-listed recipient countries that meet the primary ODA purpose. You have rejected additional cookies. The latest edition of this publication can be found on GOV.UK, final UK Aid spend is usually published in the autumn. When DFID or other UK government departments provide core funding to multilateral organisations, the funding is pooled with other donors funding and disbursed as part of the core budget of the multilaterals. Over 5 years: ODA to the Americas is on a smaller scale than spend to Africa and Asia, however despite the drop this year, it had been increasing steadily year-on-year from 159 million in 2015 to 355 million in 2018. The most significant reduction was seen in Turkey (16.3m decrease since 2018) reversing previous increases in funding (2016 and 2017) to support displaced refugees during the Syria Crisis. While Ukraine has been able to acquire a variety of modern weapons from the U.S. and Europe, few countries have been willing to d. 17 hours ago. MoD ODA spend includes training in human rights, rule of law, international humanitarian law, protection of civilians in conflict, maritime law, and the UK Hydrographic Office support to developing countries in maritime charting. If a multilateral organisation does not report to the DAC but works in multiple sectors and/or countries, then its core contributions are not allocated to a country or sector. View full size version of infographic: In 2019 the UK provided 15.2bn of Official Development Assistance. DFID spend in dark blue and non-DFID spend in grey. The size of the dots corresponds to the total amount of ODA spent in each income groups sector. The list also states the proportion of a core contribution to each multilateral that can be counted as ODA, and is driven by proportion of ODA eligible work the multilateral carries out, The UK contribution could be used for different programmes or initiatives as well as general operations of the organisation. , z is not applicable, 0 is null and ~ is less than half the smallest unit displayed. Entertainment & Pop Culture; Geography & Travel; Health & Medicine; Lifestyles & Social Issues; Literature; Philosophy & Religion; Politics, Law & Government Non-DFID contributors also spent a larger proportion of their ODA in Europe and the Americas (19.9%), compared to DFID (2.8%). This decrease contrasts with the direction of travel in 2018 when DFIDs share increased for the first time since 2013, the share of total ODA spent by non-DFID contributors increased from 25.1% in 2018, to 26.9% in 2019. This increased to 115.1 billion for final ODA for 2018 an increase of 0.3 per cent. On the 2 September 2020 the Department for International Development (DFID) and Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) merged to form a new department - the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO). Multilateral organisations[footnote 18] are an essential part of the international system for humanitarian and development ODA. For the departmental breakdown see Table 4b. This section covers ODA spend from the FCOs core budget. For the departmental breakdown see Table 4a. Thursday, March 2nd, 2023 2:19am. Between the spring and the autumn, the ODA spending of government departments and other ODA contributors are finalised. This drop in ODA, moved Nigeria from being the third largest recipient of UK country-specific bilateral ODA in 2018 to fifth in 2019 (Figure 7), Nigerias lowest position in 5 years. This was an increase of 101 million compared to 2018. Spend in 2019 increased from 2018, with total bilateral ODA received by Asia being 126 million higher than the previous peak in 2016. These shares should be taken as indicative estimates rather than exact amounts of funding, and they are dependent upon multilateral organisations returning disbursement data to the DAC. 17 That level of per capita spending exceeded any other OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) country during 2018-21. However, a closer examination of recent trends and the latest federal budget reveals a grimmer picture. The UKs share of total DAC ODA was 12.7 per cent. Spend to these countries accounted for 17.9% of total country-specific UK bilateral ODA, Pakistan has remained the top recipient of UK bilateral ODA for the fifth consecutive year. Its worth noting that, like other multilateral organisations, core contributions to IDA are based on multi-year commitments which may not be uniformly spread across years, four of the top 5 receiving organisations of UK multilateral ODA in 2019 were among the top 5 multilaterals in 2018. The country names and numbers inside each bar are how the rank for that country compared to last year (2018), coloured in red if its decreased (with a red downward pointing arrow), green if its increased (with a green upward pointing arrow) and black if its unmoving (with black horizontal pointing arrow). Bilateral ODA includes spend to specific countries or regions (sections 4.1.1-4.1.4) as well as spend to multiple countries and/or regions[footnote 10]. Section 4.1 provides a detailed breakdown of ODA spending by recipient region and country; section 4.2 provides a breakdown of ODA spending by sector (for example, health or humanitarian aid); and . Figure 17 legend: ODA spend in terms of GNI comparing 2018 and 2019 spend for each DAC donor country (ODA:GNI ratio). This was partly driven by frontline diplomacy, Yemen (fourth largest recipient of UK ODA in 2019) saw the largest increase in bilateral ODA spend, increasing by 56.5% from 166 million in 2018 to 260 million in 2019, surpassing the spend in 2017 (205m) (Figure 6). Much of the humanitarian aid budget will be focused on countries most at risk of famine such as Yemen, Syria . In 2019, the UK remained the country with the fifth highest ODA:GNI ratio with 0.70%; Luxembourg had the highest with 1.05%. See our technical note for more information. Prior to the anniversary, the US was Ukraine 's biggest backer, offering around $80billion (66.8bn) in aid, the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, a global tracker of aid sent to Kyiv, found . A glossary, explaining key terms used throughout this report, is available in Annex 1, See commitments made by the UK and other donors at the 2005 G8 Summit in Gleneagles, For more information on the grant equivalent measure and the impact on UK ODA, see background note 6.2, The multilateral must be on the OECD DAC list of eligible multilaterals in order to receive unearmarked funding.
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