The advertisement exclusively highlights requirements such as strong communications skills, excellent teamwork abilities, and leadership skills. Which of the following statements is a fact about telecommuting that would support implementing this policy? Its research department attracts some of the most talented professionals in these disciplines, each with a passion for his or her specialty. C) Identifying the outcomes A) clarification. Which of the following job design techniques does Carl implement in his store? E) They are methods used to represent real-life situations. Kelly, the production manager, works with a human resource consultant to design a new work flow for the production unit. An investigation reveals that employees feel dissatisfied and mentally fatigued due to the challenging nature of their jobs. E) This method of training can be used to transfer alternative problem-solving solutions. A) clarification Mike should conduct an interview with George to get an overview of the job and to understand how the major duties fit together. C) virtual-reality training. A. C. The PAQ is based on 52 categories of abilities. E. Use of checklists will limit the amount of memorization and information required by a surgical team. B. What is the validity of Steve's argument? The manager of a local grocery store introduces a short conveyor belt that allows customers to place items on it prior to checking out. E) It involves identifying the knowledge and skills required for the job. E. the Motivation-Hygiene Model, According to the Job Characteristics Model, which of the following best describes task identity? E) deal with differences in language and culture in a new country. Which of the following is most likely true of the organizational structure of LRPN Consulting? Research shows that ______ factor(s) account(s) for 98 to 99 percent of the variance in job evaluation plans. increasing incentive pay and decreasing base pay. Based on this analysis, an accurate job description and job specifications can be written. A) The acquisition of knowledge The degree to which pay influences individual and aggregate motivation among employees is called a sorting effect. C. the extent to which a person receives clear information about performance effectiveness from the work itself Who among the following is most likely to be the best source for preparing an analysis of skills needed to fill these important technical positions? It uses a common language that generalizes across jobs to describe the abilities, work styles, work activities, and work context required for various occupations. C) Affective Chapter 4 B. D) Dividing benefits by costs If a training program focuses primarily on ensuring that employees have product or service knowledge, it is taking the strategic initiative to Which of the following is not a component of Job Analysis E. It is an area of personal capability that enables employees to perform successfully. D. exploring new and diverse ways of doing the same job C) enhance innovation. B. pain from the tactile feedback of pressing keys Which of the following involves assigning workers additional same B) It is a verbal agreement that emphasizes the goals of training. B) It is the support system built by an organization to support knowledge transfer. information input, processes, work output, relationships with other people, job context, job characteristics, and general dimensions, specifications for a job that cannot be reassigned to other workers, looks at how an organization does its work: activities pursued to accomplish specific objectives for specific customers, the relocation of business processes and services to a lower-cost foreign location particularly white-collar, technical, professional, and clerical services, a process that determines the worth of each job in a company by evaluating the market value of the knowledge, skills, and requirements needed to perform it. During this time, Mark, the HR manager, has been reviewing and updating job descriptions. B) emphasizing that learning is under employees' personal control. He has always wanted to come to the United States and cannot wait to become a citizen. A) task All the details including the amount of washing liquid to use for each type of car are clearly specified. A. C. the type of products that will need to be manufactured. A job safety analysis (JSA) is a procedure which helps integrate accepted safety and health principles and practices into a particular task or job operation. B. job definition What is a basic difference between job specifications and job descriptions? D. Depending on external job analysts to supplement incumbents' information could be risky due to the relative inexperience of the analysts involved.

Strong people, process and system management skills, true believer of continuous improvement and D. This method allows people with very basic reading skills to fill out the questionnaire. In this case, Jacob's company is most likely to use a: The most common bases for determining internal structures are: In a strategic approach to pay, internal approach to pay, internal alignment is the _____ issue to be decided, the well-defined jobs at McDonalds and their small differences in pay are an example of a(n) ____ internal pay structure. the work performed in a job and how it gets done, the worth of the work: its relative contribution to the organization objectives, the value of goods/services an employee produces in a job, wage the employer and employee agree on for a job, relies on the work content - tasks, behaviors, responsibilities. A. ________ looks at how an organization does its work: activities pursued to accomplish specific objectives for specific customers. Pamela, the manager of an electronics store in California, gives her staff the authority to resolve customer complaints. A. B. Self-managing teams do not have the authority to schedule work or hire team members. D. job enrichment She feels that she has reached the highest level for her job and can now rest and relax, since she knows how to be an administrative assistant. Compensation Exam 2 Industrial engineering will eliminate the need for specialization in the job. A) On-site phase They help HR professionals ensure that all aspects of talent management are aligned with an organization's strategy. Information cannot be considered to be an input because it is not tangible. Job Analysis Methods A. defining work arrangements and reporting requirements C. a flexible workweek Preference for individual performance over team performance, Which of the following is NOT a factor in defining equal work according to the Equal Pay Act. D) the self-efficacy of the employees. C. skill in setting up structures and jobs Layton has strong. B) Japanese citizen working in Japan for a Japanese firm. Simplifying work is especially beneficial when jobs are challenging and the costs of error are severe. HR Management Ch. 4 Quiz A. Leeding Engines Inc. specializes in manufacturing internal combustion engines. Which of the following stages in the training design process involves self-management strategies and peer and manager support? D) aware of her training needs. D. Searches for office supplies that generate 12,000 results to compare E) goal oriented. Job specifications define tasks, and job descriptions define responsibilities. It provides listings of fixed job titles and narrow task descriptions. Would you expect the amount of applied overhead for a period to equal the actual overhead costs of the period? Calculate the final pressure of the gas in atmospheres. A) share employees' performance appraisal information with them. From a job design perspective, why is this aspect of work flow an appropriate one for a hospital to focus on? D. to assess the relative dollar value of each job to an organization A. She comes across an advertisement in a newspaper seeking applications for the position of an HR manager. Software that creates a graph of daily production levels for a supervisor Which of the following most likely relates to the task undertaken by Aaron? E. job specification. Talisma wants to practice her new soft skills of customer service. Participant Observation Technique Job analysis is a process that is used to identify responsibilities and tasks, conduct a comparison with other jobs, establish what education is required, and determine the job's working environment. E) develop creativity. E) ensuring fair treatment, ) Establishing a mentoring process is part of the ________ component of an effective managing diversity program. Find a complex mapping from the given region R in the z-plane to the image region RR^{\prime}R in the w-plane. D. the ability to align researchers' work with the company's strategy Medium View solution > Explain the following: D) grow in the global market. Which of the following is true about job analysis and susceptibility to offshoring? A. E. CEOs, Which of the following HR activities is similar to analyzing a job that does not yet exist? A manager of a functional department would require skills in aligning employees' efforts with the organization's higher-level goals. Its employees have previous experience in performing similar jobs. Comparisons based on the forms of compensation used by other companies are part of. WebA job analysis is a systematic approach to determine what a person actually does in his or her job. It considers only the inputs of a work process, ignoring the outputs. They help HR professionals ensure that all aspects of talent management are aligned with an organization's strategy. C. fatigue from taking frequent breaks to move around D. Mark should consider preparing new job descriptions since new jobs will be created in the organization. He is deciding between an online distance course and a face-to-face interactive course. C. Its employees have a significant level of proficiency required to perform a particular task. which of the following is a disadvantage of the point method? The systematic process of collecting information that identifies the similarities and differences among jobs is known as, If several incumbents, supervisors, and peers respond in similar ways to job analysis questionnaires, it suggests that the results are most likely to be, A group of tasks performed by one person makes up a(n). Which of the following statements is true of work flow analysis? -A reasonable proportion of the work force is employed in this job. B) improve employee engagement. Which of the following job design techniques is Pamela implementing in her store? E. It is an area of personal capability that enables employees to perform successfully. C. job rotation E. Employees work 10 hours a day so that they work fewer days per week. Job Analysis B. task ability E. Self-managing teams consume more time and result in lower productivity. Does it seem reasonable to disregard this defense, however, if any assertion of fact within a statement of opinion is false? A. C) Hands-on Team members usually share work assignments. Which of the following job analysis methods requires subject-matter experts to evaluate a job in terms of abilities required to perform the job? TreeWind Inc. is a bookstore that uses skill and responsibility as its compensable factors. C. PAQ ratings cannot be used to compare dissimilar jobs. which type of analysis is usually conducted first when performing a needs assessment in a training process? D) repatriation phase. D) The more passive the trainees are in absorbing the instruction, the more they can use the information on the job. Job Analysis Sharon, an HR manager, is considering methods of job analysis to introduce at her organization in order to improve the process of writing job descriptions. Which of the following methods requires evaluators to agree on which jobs are the most and least valuable, then the next most and least valued, and so on, until all the jobs have been ordered? Industrial engineering will increase the complexity of the work. it can become bureaucratic and rule-bound. C. job evaluation He does not understand that he is a(n) ________, not a permanent citizen. A. Telecommuting may support a strategy of corporate social responsibility. A. experience in setting up divisions based on customer groups C) They prevent trainees from seeing the impact of their decisions in a risk-free environment. B) identify their role and responsibilities as an overseas manager. E) conditions for learning. D. Applying industrial engineering makes training people extremely difficult and time consuming. D. Job descriptions contain detailed specifications of the tasks involved in carrying out each duty. C) It is a system that expects employees to understand the entire work process. Which of the following statements best explains a drawback of the PAQ that would be relevant to her objectives? Which of the following is true of informal learning? A) pretest only B) pretest/posttest A) top management support Job analysis defines the organization of jobs within a job family. D) reaction to the programs. C. job description Pairing up expatriates and their families with an employee from the host country is likely to occur in the It measures only the inputs of a work process. D) inpatriate E. employees in such departments tend to work in cross-functional teams. C. job training The PAQ considers the whole work process, from inputs through outputs. A) Person analysis D. It is a work option that enlarges jobs by combining several relatively simple jobs to form a job with a wider range of tasks. B) having basic skills. B. employees are given the authority to make decisions B) recruitment Which kind of organizational structure is most appropriate for this kind of work? D) Ensuring that employees have opportunities to develop It assigns 20 percent weight to responsibility and 80 percent weight to skill. The costs of employee errors are severe. His supervisor noticed that his performance was declining. E) Simulation. Job D. performance appraisal E. working with organizations to design workspaces in such a manner that they meet, C. enforcing violations of its requirement that employers have a general duty to protect workers from hazards, including ergonomic hazards, Anthony, an HR manager at Synergy Inc., wishes to design jobs that do not exceed the mental capabilities and limitations of employees. E. Job descriptions look at a job's activities, and job specifications look at the qualities needed to do the job, Catherine is an HR executive looking for a new job. Identify a true statement about the step-by-step approach to conducting conventional job analysis developed by the U.S. federal government. C) Avoiding debasing new employees A. use of multiple analysis methods to obtain a detailed job analysis WebThe meaning of job analysis is the practice of gathering and analyzing details about a particular job, such as responsibilities, day-to-day duties, hard and soft skills, qualifications, education, expected outcomes, interaction, performance standards, work conditions, physical abilities and supervision. Multiple Choice. A. Which of the following statements would validate Richard's argument? C) It is a written document that ensures training transfers to the job. B. A. job evaluation It applies exclusively to similar job profiles. C) A majority of learners complete the course certification component. Organizations that use telecommuting require more office space. B. Simplifying work is especially important when jobs are challenging and employees are poorly trained. According to the conventional job analysis procedures developed by the U.S. federal government, which of the following steps should Mike perform immediately after the initial tour? Strip 0y0 \leq y \leq \pi0y to the wedge 0Argw3/20 \leq \operatorname{Arg} w \leq 3 \pi / 20Argw3/2. B. streamlining jobs to make them simpler and more efficient E. job extension, Which of the following arrangements would qualify as job rotation? D) Quality assessment A. Which one would be ideal for his staff to be successful? A. The job evaluation method that most resembles a bookcase with many shelves is: Which of the following is a characteristic of benchmark jobs? C) This is one of the least time consuming ways to present information. C) Task B. C) The distance learning method C. The scope for employee errors is minimal. The first step in task analysis is to What is she trying to measure? A) top management support C. Outputs may be tangible or intangible products of the work processes. He has checklists to keep his work in order. A) top management support C) on-site phase. C. job design Typed or legibly written copies of the job description are distributed to the first-level supervisors and the job incumbent interviewees. A Job Description B Role Analysis C Job Summary D Job Specification Medium Solution Verified by Toppr Correct option is C) Was this answer helpful? C) improving stakeholders' relationship A) the work environment. D) experience minimal difficulty trying to adapt to changes on returning to the home country. D. retroactive overtime C) Task C) enhance innovation and creativity. Which of the following is true of telework arrangements? D) The majority of apprenticeship programs are for managerial positions. B) MOOC training. A) conscientious. A. a utilization analysis This fuels the work we do around the world and inspires our mission to improve the B) recruitment and hiring Show that if a satellite orbits very near the surface of a planet with period T, the density (mass/volume) of the planet is =m/V=3/GT2\rho=m / V=3 \pi / G T^{2}=m/V=3/GT2. A) developing specific skills or dealing with interpersonal issues on the job. It is the set of duties performed by a particular team. C) interviews. The organization plans on giving all newly hired site engineers copies of their job descriptions to help them understand what the organization expects of them. D) grow in the global market. E) culture. E. Instant messages from a supervisor who expects responses within a few minutes, B. C. members of the production team making decisions regarding how to resolve problems with customers Which of the following best describes job sharing? C) Conceptual Mark should take care to avoid including the titles of the jobs while formulating new job descriptions. A. D) holding managers accountable E. a person receives clear information about performance effectiveness from the work itself, E. a person receives clear information about performance effectiveness from the work itself, Which of the following is the objective of job enlargement? C) person born in Germany but currently a U.S. citizen working in the United States. It is a necessary condition for validity. C. Make the tasks repetitive and simple to avoid errors. C) communicating why employees were asked to attend training. A. It is the list of tasks, duties, and responsibilities (TDRs) that a particular job entails. A) U.S. citizen working for a Japanese firm in the United States. D) It is the support that trainers offer to employees to transfer training to the job. The PAQ can be easily scored without a computer. E) identify the equipment and working conditions required for the tasks. E) Training the local workforce in company culture. C. This method cannot be used to compare dissimilar jobs. I am most satisfied when I see my ideas being implemented by end-users and customers. B. This can be tweaked and used appropriately. A. Self-managing teams are highly involved in decision making. Recently, Leeding has decided to create a division for the flexible fuel field. D) pretest only with comparison group ________ is on-the-job use of knowledge, skills, and behaviors learned in training. WebJob analysis is the process of determining and reporting pertinent information relating to the nature of a specific job. C) economic value of training. D. employees expect their managers to empower them by allowing them to work in self-managing teams. A job analysis examines the position rather than the individual who performs the job. C. employees in functional departments tend to identify more with their own departments. Which of the following is a disadvantage of the ranking method of job evaluation? often called internal equity, refers to the pay relationships among different jobs/skills/competencies within a single organization, the array of pay rates for different work or skills within a single organization, refers to the process by which goods and services are delivered to the customer.
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