I loved those cookies. Not quite the same quality but really close. I would do almost anything for a package of Ideal cookies. I'm going to the web site to put in a request. I actually contacted them and they said if they heard from enough people they might consider bringing them back. Little Debbie makes a larger bar that are okay, but not from the same pure chocolate or peanut butter. Like some of you my mom would have to hide them. To the lady who stated that little debbie bars tasted like the ideal bars, must not ever had the real Nabisco Ideal bars. Would love to be able to buy again. Discontinued Nabisco Products | OfficeWorld.com I would, I loved them. I too wish they would bring them back. Nabisco/YouTube. I keep looking and hoping they will bring them back I absolutely loved them PLEASE PLEASE BRING THEM BACK THEY ARE ALL TIME FAVORITE!!!!!!!!! They were almost like a candy bar. it worked for betty white on snl, maybe it would work for ideal bars! Cheers to all you fellow Ideal Cookie Lovers! These were absolutely the best.I don't remember when they stopped making these, but I DO recall not finding them at the stores and, after a while, forgetting about them, until recently.yes, they only came out in the fall because the delicate chocolate coating would melt in the heat of summer, so they weren't shipped then. There are a few FAKE ones on the market but nothing like the real IDEAL cookies. NOTHING COMPARES, not even close.Ideal Bars were easily the greatest cookie ever mass produced,SORRY OREO, but its true. I've been looking for them for years-I was thinking maybe I just didn't remember the name and that's why I couldn't find them. I was about 10 when they came into my life. It has been years since I have had an Ideal cookie bar and I can still taste them. The taste brought back a memory from 30+ years ago. Who wants to go to the store for cookies and basically have only one choice???? I have tried to substitute the Little Debbies, but they are not a match. Still my favorite cookie of all times! I'm beginning to wonder if these were laced with cocaine! So many people would buy them just for the memories. Please lets get them back.. I remember the package being a single layer of chocolate dipped peanut butter bars, maybe about a dozen lined up back to back. Only it turned out, four years later, to also be a game-changer for Nabiscos Oreo. There is no time like the present to re-introduce them to the market. I keep telling my grandkids about them and they can't believe me or wontPLEASE BRING THESE WONDERFUL TREATS BACK !! Come on Nabisco, BRING THEM BACK!! Nabisco, if these wonderful cookies are too expensive to make and sell in a package of cookies, how about packaging them as candy bars? I wrestled with my weight as a kid in the late 70's, yet every once in a while my mom would secretly buy a box of these rich logs of dark chocolately goodness, if only to show her undying love for me, her only begotten son. Please Nabisco bring back the Ideal cookie, Check this out. We usually had to have two packages: one for Dad, and one for the kids. 2023 Atlas Obscura. I believe Nabisco stopped manufacturing Ideal Bars because the chocolate the recipe called for was too costly to make. I'm not sure I am that good a person. I have fond memories of getting these and grandmas house! I CAN REMEMBER WHEN OCTOBER CAME AROUND WE STARTED LOOKING IN THE GROCERY FOR IDEAL COOKIES. Then he started pre-bagging them for lunch. I also have food pages for the 80s and 90s. Ideal cookie isn't the only good cookie we've lost. They have a section where you can contact them and request they bring back Ideals. This cookie was by far the most delicious blend of flavors you could ever ask for. google_ad_channel = "9301152533"; Please bring them back. Here's a look back - see how many you remember! The Hydroxs ornamental pattern is at once cruder and more delicate than the Oreos; the ridges around the edge are longer and deeper, but the center comprises stamped-out flowers, a design more intricate than the Oreo pattern, he stated. Im sitting here telling my son about my favorite cookie of all time, Ideal peanut butter chocolate bars, they remind me of my child hood, I was so sad and disappointed when they stop selling them, I remember asking my mom to look for them if she ever went out of town, but we never found them anywhere . If everyone on this list did, maybe it would help. If they're not going to sell them any more can't they at least share the recipe??!!!! PLEASE BRING THESE BACK, NABISCO!!! I am 48 now and have never had an Ideal cookie and never heard of them. My dad and I reminisce about them, too. Does anyone think they will ever bring them back???? Good times. Oreo's and Chips Ahoy are SHELF SPACE HOGS. My husband promised me a case of them if we ever saw them again - which we have not. It is clear that EVERYONE remembers how good these were and many have fond memories of these cookies as do I. Thanks, Mark. I would pay $6-$10 per package if these were back on the shelf!!!! Oh so very good. I miss them too. We talk about it often and it still makes us laugh. Anyone know the name of the shortbread or sugar cookie with a hersey-kiss type chocolate drop on top? WILL YOU PLEASE BRING THEM BACK IF EVEN FOR A SHORT TIME (possibly like the recent "Pepsi Throwback" offering Pepsi did with their original sugar recipe/formula), BUT THEY MUST BE ORIGINAL RECIPE - PLEEEEEESE???!!!!!!!!!!! Just go and like the Facebook page "Bring Back the Nabisco Ideal Cookie Bars". Ooops, maybe the Yoohoos I stole from Uncle Charlie's sandwich shop was first?!?!?! I think I made a request for Vermont Country Store to find them but never heard anything. These cookies were highly addictive! (Making matters worse: 1998 was the first year that Oreo itself went kosher for the first time.). When I was in my 20s and did not have to worry about weight or health, I would consume and ENTIRE box all by myself during an evening with glasses of milk. How's that for wishful thinking? They patiently look them up and laugh. Aside from this, I remember not only the great flavors of those treats but the sheer QUALITY of them and all of Nabisco products. Followed by Penguin cookies! Our neighbors always had these in their fridge. I remember them from 50 yrs ago . Please bring them back, Nabisco! They were too good to have just one, just two - maybe four!!! I remember my mom used to buy the Ideal Bar or I think it was called the whirl. Im 49 and that was the best cookie ever made lets all call Nabisco i would buy the recipe if they'd sell it to me damn i loved them cookies. My best guess why Nabisco quit making them is that they were too expensive to produce; in order to maintain the high quality of the product the retail cost would be unrealistic. Why Nabisco why??? Ideal ,One of the best cookies ever on the store shelf ! My family still brings up these delicious cookies and wonders why Nabisco doesn't make them anymore It's Time to write Nabisco, Best cookie ever! Discontinued Products :: Nabisco :: Discontinued Nabisco Products. Sorry Mother and Daddy, you couldn't stop us!!! I'd bite a little hole into each end, then suck milk up into it like it was a straw. They were definitely one of the best cookies made!! I can still remember that taste. It wasn't my fault, I bought them all the time. Unfortunately the quality from Nabisco was not consistent. It's a shame they don't listen to the loyal consumers (as this blog demonstrates)and make that investment into bringing back such a popular item. They were and still are the best cookie I have ever had. Here's the Kraft customer service number: 877-535-5666 or you can email Nabisco: cis@nabisco.com Take a couple of minutes and make the request. I have e-mailed Nabisco begging for them to just bring them back as a seasonal item or a limited time only so me & my sisters could stock them in the freezer but I think if everyone would e-mail them maybe they would listen. Please Nabisco, make a good business decision and bring these back. From my earliest childhood I remember that distinctive packaging that housed the best cookies ever made. I agree - best cookie ever! There was just one problem. If they ever do, there is going to be mass hysteria and total chaos around the world!! I, TOO, LOVED Ideal Bars growing up and into adulthood. I thought I was the only person who could remember these cookies! Please bring them back! I hope nabisco reads these comments and realizes the disappointment to many famalies with the loss of a simple cookie. The Ideal bar was more of a candy and Reeses sticks are more of a cookie. Another favorite of mine was TostettesI loved them because they were so moist and full of fruit and had a little sprinkle of sugar on topjust the right amount (cold or hot). My mother bought the Ideal peanut butter bars for my father (I don't know why he was allowed to hog them). What happened to the Ideal Bars Nabisco used to make Dark - Answers I'm sorry I just read Pollies comment, trust me Reese doesn't come close, I've looked for years for this cookie, and now that I've remembered it's time to hammer Nabisco. i can recall Sat. Heaven on earth! It's just barely enough for the 2 pie crusts I needed to make this morning, where it used to be plenty with leftovers. I was so bummed when they discontinued them. There are none like them. Last time I had these was 4/17/80, my birthday, and I'm still dreaming about them 30 years later bring em back! Hope they see it. If anybody ever hears of a petition please email me. Loved Ideals-The Very Best! When I was a kid I used to be a pretty good actor. Oh My God do I have a story about these cookies!!! I thought I was the only one who really missed these cookies! I also feel the same way about the old Hershey 'Bar None' candy bar, which only lasted a short timeduring the 1990's. "Ideal Bars" were the BEST!!! My friend (RIP) and i would walk to the corner store (even in th snow) and buy them..great memories of growing up..i miss those cookies !! I make something very very similar. Nabisco if you arent going to bring back the Ideal Cookie, then sell the Cookie recipe and rights to some company that will. I thought I was the only one that searched grocery store shelves all over america for these treats!! Nabisco factory in New Jersey closing after 63 years - New York Post Gastro Obscura covers the worlds most wondrous food and drink. Over 70% of the cookie aisle from ALL cookie manufacturers is taken up by CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES!!!! I would buy them in a second if they were around, and I have pretty much sworn off all sugar. Both Hydrox cookies and Oreos sport elaborate designs, creme centers, and a long history. These Discontinued Snacks Will Make You Nostalgic - Business Insider Finally, my father started counting them. Four pages of comments from people all over wanting a certain item back from Nabisco. I believe that is why they discontinued them. OMG I miss Ideal Bars! Please bring Ideal cookies back. I was looking for ideal bars. I just stole one of my kids' Quaker Chewy Dips Peanut Butter Chocolatey Granola Bars. I kept thinking that it reminded me of something, then finally I remembered these cookies. I have thought for years that they would come back. google_color_url = "1F2B9E"; Like most American brands. I have tried to find something similar, but no way can anything else compare. YUMmmm!! I know it sounds crazy but all of these comments made me feel better. He had to do all the hard work of reformulating the snack, but once he had figured that out, it was off to the races. If you got a package that didn't have enough PB, they were almost tasteless. I would love to see and taste the Ideal cookies again!!! Wish me luck. On my birthday as a 'Twenty Something' I asked for Ideal cookies instead of a cake!! I LOVE dark choclet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do all the shopping! I know they discontinued them years ago but I rfuse to give up hope. Timmy D PGH WE will prevail. The package was orange and brown, but I guess it could have been clear revealing the chocolate. How can those gawdawful Nilla wafers survive all these years while the ultimate cookie -- the Ideal Bar -- is retired? Mybe even the show unwrapped. My dad used to ration them to me and my 3 siblings, otherwise we would eat them all in an hour! :) I love them. Someone needs to start a facebook group. No other cookie compares. I loved those cookies. Sorry, Belinda, Peanut Butter Twix is not even close! Feast or famine was my and three other siblings lives due to my fathers dreams and my mom chose to buy Ideal cookies with the last few dollars left one week because we loved them that much! I also contacted Kraft and received the same message as Dan in April 2009. I would love to have a nice cold glass of milk and a few Ideals right now. So what? It was child abuse I tell ya. We have so many fancy specialty items available (specialty beers; wines; whiskeys; cheeses; music; tuna; ice cream (Ben & Jerry's); candy; etc.) THEY WERE THE BEST. http://nabiscoworld.custhelp.com/app/contact. Cinthia, thanks for tip, it was fun. OMG I have the same problem finding Nalley's Chip dip in all stores, another one of those tastes from the past My sister and I just got back from a road trip down the coast of Oregon and then back up I-5 going North. Whenever I eat a Reeses peanut butter stick, I think of the Ideal Bar and how much better it is. But the shift wasnt enough; in 2001, Kelloggs had bought the Keebler brand, putting Hydrox under yet another corporate owner, and by 2003, it had stopped selling Hydrox altogethersans a brief reprieve in 2008 after enough consumers complained that it briefly changed its mind. Anyone know of a recipe to make them at home? The Ideal cookies were also a great treat in our household. My sister and I were reminiscing and wishing they were still around. He will be 48 on Monday and I have no doubt that if those cookies were still around, he would eat the entire package. Bring them back, who cares what the price is. they are the best. I've written Nabisco, and now the parent company Kraft, several times and I usually receive a form email back. It was a chocolate cookie, shaped like a donut, with a big marshmellow on it, covered in dark rich chocolate. I copied the link above someone posted and left the same story to nabiso, if everone does this, we might have a chance!! I can still taste them. 8 Discontinued Oreo Flavors | Mental Floss I thought it was a heat issuenope. When I met my husband 25 years ago his favorite thing was an Ideal Bar - and to this day when I ask him what he needs from the store, his response is always "Ideal Bars". If I were the head of NABISCO, or your parent company, KRAFT, this would ALREADY HAVE BEEN DONE years ago!!!!!! I will buy them out!!! Please bring them back, Nabisco! My dad used to get at least to boxes of these one for himself and another for the kids. 1970's- When mom said us kids could pick one item during the family once a week trip to the grocery storewe always wanted IDEAL cookies. Wonderful cookies the kids and I loved them then they disappeared! I have searched over the years to see if they were ever going to come back. They really should bring them back!!!!! i would love to have one right now. I have the happiest memories of eating alot of these cookies!!!! If anyone is lucky enough to live somewhere close to a Trader Joe's, then you need to go and buy their Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Pretzels!! Just found a Peanut Butter Crunch cookie by Little Debbie. I can pass up any other store bought cookie but not these. There is nothing close to them. PLEASE Nabisco!!!! . Have tea in a cemetery with a dazzling view of Istanbul. I want to recreate them with a recipe contest! I'm not a Facebook person but why doesn't someone set up friend of Ideals page and start a 2010 size campaign to get Nabisco to reintroduce this classic to the millions of cookie eaters who were born after the Ideal plug was pulled. Bring 'em back Nabisco it's time!!! I can personally buy them all and will . They were so delicious out of the refrigerator. They will SELL, SELL, SELL!!!! I would buy them..in fact I know my entire family would buy them There were utterly AWESOME. Nutter Butter - Wikipedia Finally I returned home with the Ideal cookies after eating my final bite so that the perfect amout was found by my Mom. Under the Jewish dietary laws of kosher, pigs, the source of lard, are a forbidden food. they really left an impression on me. [ CNP00612 ] 100 Calorie Cheese Nips Crackers, 6 / Box; [ FVS00609 ] Ritz 100 Calorie Snack Mix, 6 / box; [ FVS00612 ] 100 Calorie Cheese Nips Crackers, 6 / Box. They were the best. please nabisco,start making ideal cookies again, Hello good folks, have had a time with my momery, and can you believe after (3) years the name of this cookie finally came to me, it was the "IDEAL", these cookies were made in the 60's also, and looking on the shelves, and going to hundreds of grocery stores I could never find them. In the 80's, I believe, Ideal just didn't sell that well, and they were discontinued; I have a feeling that as the price crept higher and higher, many of the brands that were never featured were ignored. It was the best store bought. Well, put it this way: Nilla wafers have an estimated annual growth rate of 45.8%, according to Tastewise. I would love to see this cookie again. The Return to the Brown-Edged Wafer - Out of Ambit :}, P.S. Finaly found on the web, after years of idly searching. The biscuit containers and the china scoop to retrieve the biscuits, are prized along with: wood crates carrying the N.B.C./National Biscuit Company label, and early metal tins, store . Family-run for more than a century, this pizzeria makes a unique mustard pie. well I finally found out the name of these cookies that my grandmother always bought for me in the late 60s and 70s. I loved them, too! Does nabisco still make uneeda biscuits? Ideal Cookies were the BEST!!! Thanks to all for the enhancing my belief that the Ideal Chocolate Peanut Butter bar is the best store bought cookie ever made!! PLEASE bring this cookie back. Sign up for our email, delivered twice a week. We were just talking about how much we miss them and want them back!! We could not get enough! were they to good for human cunsumption? My husband and I started to think maybe we had dreamed about Ideal Cookies. How can something SO Good, SO Popular, So Beloved, disappear without a trace, a sequel, a follow-up, or especially, an apology?! Press gently with palm of hand to flatten slightly. Nabisco is owned by Kraft Foods. Im 55 now but I can still remember those awesome chocolate covered cookie bars I can still taste them they were the best ever cookie ever made in my opinion my aunt that just past at the age of 95 still remembered those cookies. They were the Best Only draw back was they melted so easily. They were the best ever, especially cold. The company was improving the cookies, making them more attractive to the modern health-conscious consumer. I am sending an email to Nabisco to lodge my question tonight. I think the last time I actually had one was around 1982 but almost every trip to the store I STILL look!!! Sent another email to cis@nabisco,com -- maybe, just maybe it might work this time. Getting the lard out: The koshering of the Oreo cookie There's nothing left. I have to do a thorough search in the cookie aisle a couple of times a year. My Dad started hiding them in the hall closet, but we still found them!!! Midnight munchies were also a time to slip away to savor these delectable treats. They were great to have on hand whenever company came over. I miss Lemon Coolers and My Dad Harold Hourihan more! Nabisco is a subsidiary of an American multinational corporation. It appears we're not alone! Get them home intact, if possible, refrigerate or freeze, get a glass of ice cold milk, or fresh brewed tea, and eat, a little touch of Heaven! Maybe I will try making them myselfhaaha.might take a few thousand tries. Easily the best chocolate-covered cookie ever. Through the years I told so many people that my ALL TIME FAVORITE STORE BOUGHT COOKIE was Nabisco's Ideal cookies. Here's to getting them back! PLEASE bring them back - it's been like 30 years or more! I need one for myself!). Get the word out and maybe, just maybe we'll see the BEST cookie resurrected. I would eat them with bananas!! I miss you Ideal cookies. I MISS THEM TO THIS DAY!!! Nothing will ever compare to Ideal Cookies! The first is the IDEAL Peanut Butter Bars. There's only one way to get big corps attn anymorethe moneybet if we all boycotted Nabisco and Kraft products we'd have them by next Christmas! My favorite cookie ever! E-mail your local news station with this link. I did NOT have to share them. Now - as to starting a "petition" - any suggestions and who would like to sign?! You can wait around and hope but, frankly, I'd be astonished to see anything of their class again. All rights reserved. I contacted them and received a very narrow minded canned response that they don't bring back discontinued products. I would bite off one end and submerge it in a glass of ice cold milk, it would absorb the milk and the center would be soft encased in the crunchy chocolate. Please, oh please, bring them back. You would think in the year 2010 they could figure out some solution to the melting problem. Crazy.. Maybe if enough people write to them, the people at KRAFT would consider bringing back this awesome cookie. LEMON COOLERS! They were his favorite. I wish I could get through to Kraft/Nabisco! Nothing compares!!! Thanks. If I have to bake them myself in order to enjoy them again, I DON'T MIND, because it would be worth the time in the kitchen making them from scratch, by hand!!!!! Should they bring this back it would totally destroy the sales for all the other peanut butter cookies out there. They are the B E S T Cookie and if Nabisco doesn't want to make them anymore, then someone needs to reintroduce them. I too was an Ideal Bar Addict. My sister, Teressa and I would buy a package of these cookies and eat the whole package before we got home. I have never tried them. I was telling some co-workers about Ideal cookies the other day and one of them googled the name. Please bring it back if for limited time. Since Vintage and Retro (i.e. Write to this addy Kraft Foods Global, Inc. Consumer Relations Group 1 Kraft Court Glenview, IL 60025. The Best cookie EVER! The last time I remember seeing them in the store was in the mid/late 70's. The only thing that I have found that even comes close is a Peanut Butter Twix. Best cookie ever made!! They were even better cold. This was and still would be my favorite cookie. OMG !!! Please Nabisco bring them back!!!!! I miss these cookies too! And what about them not being big sellers? :) My sister and I talked about them this weekendsuch good memories! The best cookies ever! Winner will be selected at random on 04/01/2023. The Untold Truth Of Teddy Grahams - Mashed.com How sad. Please bring them back Nabisco!!! Oreo factory shutdown: Mondelez to close N.J. Nabisco plant, but says The loss of these cookies was devastating. I think what made these cookies so incredible was the crunchy cookie portion of it, the peanut butter filling which had finely chopped peanuts in it, and the EXCEPTIONAL quality of the chocolate that enrobed this cookie. I just got finished eating Reese's Sticks that I had gotten from the fridge and I thought of the Ideal cookies!! I remember grocery shopping with my mother at the commissary in Newport RI. They were a very high quality cookie. Nabisco, are you listening? My brother Tate and I have been searching for them for years and I was not aware that they were discontinued. When I revisted Cali they didn't have any as well. I Mourn These Top 5 Discontinued Cookies - Houston Press It seems like the best things are often inexplicably taken away or discontinued. ;-) THANKS. It was discontinued after seven years, but we would love to have just one more of these tasty treats. Adolphus Green is president. Great to see all the Love. Ideal Barks popped into my mind last week and I asked my husband to look for them at the store. Perhaps if we all email Nabisco. Yup, I've been craving them for years now and, alas, still no Ideal like an ideal. It's a shame, and the list is rather long best cookie that I remember from my childhood have tried to find them for years without success used to sneak into my dads stash because they were so good have called and wrote a letter to Nabisco or rather Kraft and am waiting for an answer as to why that they cant bring them back it is so nice to know that I am not alone comforting to know that someone else knows exactly what cookie was so great in the 70's. Unfortunately in todays society, the squeezy wheel gets the oil. I look for IDEAL cookies every time I am at the grocery store hoping to see that Nabisco has reintroduced them. It was the absolute best. I still think about them. This was a big deal for him since he never packed his own lunch. I use to eat them all the time and was sad when they stopped making them. It's funny; now that I am middle aged and have enough money to buy these at any time they are not available. I wish I or someone could buy the reciepe and bring them back. The logs were a staple in my cupboards also. Even at 50 every year at Christmas I long for them, well really all year. Please bring them back! My Mom use to hide them too, If she didn't they'd be gone really quick. The peanut butter was kind of salty and my brother and sister and I could eat a whole pack of them. I moved from Cali to Texas in 1980, Texas didn't have anybummer. Let us unite and show the company. The following are comments left about Ideal Cookies from site visitors such as yourself. A few years back when Nabisco told me that they were discontinued, I was crushed. The Rise, Fall, and Return of Hydrox Cookies, the Proto-Oreo. There is a Facebook on bring back the ideal cookie .someone said they talked to nabisco and they said they would consider it if enough people pushed for them back. Millions of other chocolate coated cookies survive shipping and storage - and I guess that most of us would still want them even if the chocolate was melted! I can't believe the post starts in 2007 and the last one was 4 days ago. They look and taste exactly like the original "Ideal Bar". I have tried the "similar" to Ideal Cookies, but nobody can capture that flavor and the joy that those cookies brought to my family. Please - make them again Ana Isco. But I have to askdid anyone else first peel the chocolate off with their teeth before launching into the cookie? The Streett Family. Well being a creative kid I scrounged all the coke bottles and pennies in the house that I could find and returned them with a wagon and got more cookies. When my husband & I were dating we used to sit down & eat a whole package at a time ;). I used to buy Ideal cookies when I lived in Wisconsin. My Mom and I ate so many packages of these we should be ashamed! Please bring them back Nabisco!!!! Maybe we're all psychic and they're planning to re-release them in the near future! My sister and I have been wishing the same thing all of you are, Nabisco bring them back, "Little Debbie", put them in all the stores where your snacks are soldLiz. The woman I spoke with was quite nice as I recall but had no answer as to why they had discontinued the product. Kids can't grow up without tasting these! DON'T cheapen the ingredient deck! I grew up on them and have many memories of hiding them from my sister. I am going to email cis@nabisco.com (found this email address on another website of other people begging for this cookie to come back). I thought I was the only one who missed these cookies. Nabisco the market for them is ready and waiting!!!! I'm emailing them as we speak. We need to contact Nabisco a.s.a.p. I still hunt for them from time to time. I sent an email directly to the company and didn't even receive the courtesy of a reply. They will always pull a box out right before we were leaving. Years later my husband and I used to joke about it being a "single serving package" because for us it was. I have tried all the "almost Ideal Bars". The reason the taste of those cookies is still memorable to so many people is simplethe high salt content of the peanut butter and the quality of the dark chocolate they used was a terrific combination. Bring Back Ideal Cookies on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bring-Back-The-Nabisco-Ideal-Cookie-Bars/256146701090663. My grandmother, mother, step-dad and other relatives use to work for Nabisco (anywhere from office, management & factory workers).
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