If passed, HCR66 seeks to have the 87th Legislature of the State of Texas: Excerpt from the bill: Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of hate crimes and incidents of hate directed at Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs), with the use of terms such as Chinese virus, Wuhan virus, and kung-flu perpetuating this disturbing escalation.. Under HB477, money generated from the casinos would go toward residual windstorm insurance coverage and catastrophic flooding assistance in those areas. If passed, the bills seek to amend Article XVI of the Texas Constitution by adding that the state, acting under the exemption provisions of the Uniform Time Act of 1966, is exempt from the provisions of that law that establish daylight saving time. Length: 7" or 9". If passed, SB70 would require every peace officer to submit a detailed report to their law enforcement agency regarding each incident in which the officer uses force, or witnesses another officer use force, against a person suspected of committing an offense. Histotechnology is the science of detecting tissue abnormalities that indicate diseases such as cancer. Medical Evaluation Process. If passed, both HB36 and HB219 seek to amend Section 662.003(b) of the Texas Government Code (a list of official Texas state holidays) to remove Confederate Heroes Day, which takes place on the 19th day of January. Proponents often argue that students names and images are used on products and in advertising that brings revenue to the school, and thus should receive a portion of these profits as compensation. The length of your driver's license suspension will vary depending on the offense. Supporters of the bill said that removing the straight-ticket voting option forces voters to make more informed decisions in individual elections, but opponents claim the legislation disproportionately impacts minority voters. HCR32, if passed, would designate Missouri City, TX as the official Hip-Hop Capital of Texas for the next 10 years. Clarify that mistake of fact could be raised to negate the legally required mental state of mind of the person using deadly force at the instant in time they choose to use that force. If passed, HB477 would allow the Texas Lottery Commission to award to applicants not more than nine casino gaming operator licenses as follows: HJR102 & HB2257, if passed, would allow casino gaming operated by appropriately licensed persons at locations in this state that are within 200 miles of the Gulf of Mexico, but with no set limit on the number of licenses awarded (although the legislature may designate the counties in which a casino gaming operators license may be issued). Reinstating Your License. If the child was under seven (7) years old and died as a result of said injury, the offense is elevated to a third degree felony. Often referred to as swoop and settle tactics, the objective is to get the victim to agree to settle their claim before theyre even able to see a doctor or get an estimate on repair costs. HB3248 states that adults over the age of 21 could use and possess up to 2.5 ounces of cannabis, up to 15 grams of cannabis concentrates, as well as cannabis paraphernalia. Weight: 11.2 or 14.3 oz. According to the bills author, Lyle Larson, The cost to run the Legislature would be the same, and we would be light years ahead from an effectiveness and efficiency standpoint.. Retailers are authorized to sell beer for on-premise consumption between 10:00 a.m. and noon if the beer is served to a customer in conjunction with the service of food. The amount billed by the medical or health care provider. Auto insurance companies will often contact car accident victims within hours of an accident claim being filed in order to offer them a quick (lowball) settlement offer. If enacted, HB552 would modify Section 601.072(a-1)(3) of the Texas Transportation Code to specify that any diminution of value (diminished value) as the result of a crash must be included when assessing the property damage portion of a motor vehicle accident claim. HCR67 seeks to designate April 6 as Tejano Day (an observance that coincides with the date in 1813 when Tejano leaders issued the first declaration of Texas independence) for a period of ten (10) years. Free to Drive: End driver's license suspensions for unpaid fines and fees If you feel that we left out an important proposed bill, let us know by commenting below! Citizenship or, if you are not a U.S. Citizen, evidence of lawful presence Texas Residency Identity, and Social Security Number HB1517 & HB1518 both seek to amend Chapter 105 of Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code in order to allow hotel bars to extend the hours during which alcoholic beverages may be sold and consumed on premises. Under current Texas law, in order for an accident victim to recover compensation through their uninsured or under-insured auto insurance policy, there must first be a judgment or other legal determination establishing the other motorists liability or the extent of the insureds damages. List: New Laws in California in 2022 - NBC Los Angeles License to Carry - Gun Laws - Guides at Texas State Law Library If passed, SB845 would amend Section 38.005 of Texas Utilities Code in order to require the Public Utilities Commission to adopt minimum weatherization standards for electric utilities, transmission and distribution utilities, electric cooperatives, municipally owned utilities, and generation providers that ensure services remain reasonably reliable in extreme weather conditions. The bill would also require these utility providers to file annual reports regarding weatherization measures it implemented, as well as mandate periodic in-person inspections to verify said minimum weatherization standards have been implemented. If passed, schools, preschools, kindergartens, nursery schools, day camps, or youth camps must determine whether a child is able to swim or is at risk when swimming, and provide the owner or operator of the body of water a written or electronic disclosure that clearly identifies each child who is unable to swim or is at risk when swimming. If passed, both HB2661 & HB2838 seek to amend Subchapter D, Chapter 38 of Texas Utilities Code in order to require each electric utility, municipally owned utility, and electric cooperative that is subject to a rolling blackout initiated by an independent organization certified under Section 39.151 to rotate customer curtailment so that no customer is subject to an outage lasting more than 12 hours. If passed, a person does not commit an offense involving the possession of a controlled substance or marijuana if: Following the tragic death of Javier Ambler, who died of heart failure in the custody of the Williamson County Sheriffs Office during a recording of the now-canceled Live PD TV show last year, many people have argued that we shouldnt allow policing to become entertainment in our community. If passed, HB1955 seeks to amend Section 9.51 of Texas Penal Code to state that a peace officer is only justified in using deadly force against another when and to the degree the peace officer reasonably believes the deadly force is immediately necessary to make an arrest (or to prevent escape after arrest) if: HB1757 seeks to add additional rules relating to the recording of a peace officers performance of official duties and interactions with the public. If passed, HB2828 seeks to provide one-time cash payments (or credits) of $250, provided by state funds, to residential and commercial customers of municipally owned utilities, electric cooperatives, and retail electric providers in the ERCOT power region. Each of the bills listed above seek to allow casino gambling in parts of southern Texas (within 200 miles of the Gulf of Mexico). Here's what you need to know. HB54 seeks to prohibit law enforcement departments in Texas from contracting with television crews to create reality shows. If such a local option election does legalize the sale of liquor on Sundays, holders of package store permits in said area may sell, offer for sale, or deliver liquor on Sunday between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. Holders of wholesalers permits may sell, offer for sale, or deliver liquor to a retailer anytime on Sunday, and holders of local distributors permits may sell, offer for sale, or deliver liquor to a retailer on Sunday between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. Texas blue laws currently state that alcohol retailers may not sell beer or wine for off-premise consumption on Sundays between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and noon. Click the links below if youd like to jump to a specific section: If you have questions or concerns, please leave a comment at the bottom of this page. Both HB99 and HB441 also seek to amend Article 14.06 of Texas Code of Criminal Procedure to state that an officer who is charging a person only with a Class C/B misdemeanor for possession of marijuana may not arrest the person, and shall issue the person a citation instead. Greg Abbott signed House Bill 25, which eliminated the straight-ticket voting option (the option for voters to check one box to cast a ballot for every candidate from a single political party) starting in the year 2020. is an automatic felony charge. HB832, if passed, would require officers to intervene if the use of force by another peace officer violates state or federal law, puts any person at risk of bodily injury (unless necessary to avoid imminent harm to a peace officer or other person), or is not required to apprehend or complete the apprehension of a suspect. Almost every state holds a legislative session every year, but just four statesTexas, Montana, Nevada and North Dakotameet biennially on odd numbered years. The fee depends on the offense leading to the suspension. AUSTIN - More than 30 new state laws that will affect more than 500,000 Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) licensees will go into effect . The bills do not allow betting on any youth sports (those involving participants under 18 years old), orin the case of HB1121on any college sports games involving one or more Texas teams. HB2728 seeks to amend Subchapter C, Chapter 662 of Texas Government Code (recognition days) to declare January 27 as International Holocaust Remembrance Day in order to commemorate the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau and to honor the millions of victims of the Holocaust. HB2808, HB3370 & HB3494, on the other hand, seek to do away with variable rate energy plans for residential customers entirely. Lisa Torry Smith was hit and killedby a vehicle in October 2017 while walking in a crosswalk with her 6-year-old son. If passed, both HB647 & HJR37 seek to allow counties and municipalities to hold a local vote on whether or not to allow gaming devices commonly known as eight-liners (or similar gaming devices) to be legally operated or prohibited within the county or municipality. See our Carry of Firearms page for more info on this new law. Both HB2232 & SB1013 seek to allow wet counties and cities in Texas the option to hold local elections in order to either prohibit or legalize the sale of liquor for off-premise consumption on Sundays. HB1837 & SB2141 both seek to amend Chapter 2 of Texas Code of Criminal Procedure in order address (and prevent) motorcycle profiling by law enforcement officers. If passed, the Botham Jean Act (as introduced) would: SB 69 seeks to amend Subchapter E, Chapter 9 of the Texas Penal Code in order to add a section regarding prohibited techniques used by law enforcement officers in Texas. Promote awareness among the public regarding how the office may be contacted, the purpose of the office, and the services the office provides. For equipment containing an electronic security lock or other security-related function, any special documentation, replacement part, or tool needed to disable and reset the lock or function when disabled in the course of diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of the equipment. In order to meet compliance, operators of these establishments would be required to have all employees complete said training program on an annual basis. If passed, HB2157 seeks to amend Section 662.003(b) of the Texas Government Code to add Womens Equality Day, which would fall on the 26th day of August, as an official state holiday in Texas. This made sense back when the Texas Legislature was first established in 1845 (and lawmakers had to travel to Austin by horse), but not so much anymore. If passed, HB904 seeks to amend Section 662.003(b) of the Texas Government Code (a list of official Texas state holidays) to add the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of an even-numbered year (election day) as a state holiday. HB928 seeks to amend Chapter 436 of Texas Health and Safety Code to create administrative and civil penalties for food service establishments that sell catfishif the product is not, in fact, catfish as defined under the statute. Texas Driving on a Suspended License Laws - TX Suspended License Temporary Event Authorizations. 1:38. According to HJR102 & HB2257, the money generated from these casinos would go toward providing additional money for property tax relief. Characterizing collisions as accidents can send the wrong message, as (by definition) the word may imply that a collision was the fault of nobody in particular. The bill states that A peace officer may not intentionally use a choke hold, carotid artery hold, or similar neck restraint in searching or arresting a person unless the restraint is necessary to prevent serious bodily injury to or the death of the officer or another person.. Consent must be given in a manner that indicates the customer understands that they are enrolling in a variable rate plan, and the electric provider shall provide notice that the plan includes variable rates in an easily readable font and type size. HB2434 goes a bit further, requiring that board members (as well as the CEO) must live and work in the state.. The bill would also disallow toll project entities from amending financial (or other) agreements in a manner that would extend said payoff date. Practicing With Suspended License Brings Disbarment for Texas Attorney The State Bar of Texas attorney discipline list for June includes 22 sanctions meted out against 21 Texas attorneys..